“I’m so glad I have a game girl.” Gloria grinned. “Next one should be back in San Antonio.”

That was a relief. Traveling like this was stressful. I had to be back at the hospital early in the morning, which meant a late flight tonight. Keeping up with both of our careers wasn’t easy.

“Bye.” I waved at Wes’s parents and sat in the cushy leather chair. I wanted to soak it in. Feel what he felt. See what he saw. I sat, not caring how much time passed before I was ready to leave. Somehow being here felt every bit as important as watching him play.

The Wranglers’ plane had landed hours before mine. Wes was already in the apartment when I walked through the door. There was a bottle of champagne on the counter, two glasses, and a trail of candles leading to the bedroom.

“Wes?” I called in the apartment. The lights were dim and I had a funny flutter in my stomach.

“Bring those glasses in here, will you?”

I smiled and picked up the chilled flutes. He was lying on the bed, his head propped on his elbow.

“Congratulations.” I handed him one of the glasses. “That was a huge game.”

“Thanks, Doc.” He sat up to kiss me. “Thought we could celebrate.”

“I can’t drink much. I’ve got three surgeries tomorrow.” I took a sip. The bubbles slid down my throat.

“That’s not much fun.” He moved the hair off my shoulder and kissed behind my ear. “But we’ve got other ways of celebrating, don’t we?”

I nodded. I didn’t need champagne to get drunk. Just being near him made me lose my mind. He pulled the glass from my hand and put it next to the bed.

“Wes, about last night?”

“What about it?” He pulled the shirt over his head and I almost licked my lips. His chest was flawless. I loved every muscle on his body.

He began unbuttoning my shirt and shoved the sleeves off my shoulders. He kissed one, then the other. With a quick flick, he had my bra unclasped and on the floor.

“God, I love your tits.”

I groaned as he pulled me into his mouth. The thoughts flew out of my head as my chest arched forward to give him more. I couldn’t wait to have him inside me. I couldn’t wait to feel his powerful thrusts.

I hitched my skirt up around my hips as he shrugged off his jeans. He sat forward as I straddled him, with my knees on either side, and sank onto his hard shaft with a violent strike.

“Oh, God,” I moaned, rocking my hips into him as he held my lower back so I could grind harder and faster.

“Fuck, Lennon.” He gripped my hips, slamming me harder onto his cock. I clutched at him, sinking my nails into his shoulders. “I love when you fuck me this way,” he groaned.

Neither of us could last long like this. His sure and solid thrusts, with my hot and wet core clenching around him, were too intense for either of us to hold off. I clawed and screamed, bouncing harder as he filled me with his release. It seeped along my legs, and I rested my head against his shoulder, feeling the sweet sweat of sex drip between us.

“Welcome home, baby,” he growled.

He rolled onto his back, bringing me down to the bed with him. And we slept.



I packed my suitcase with the team logo embroidered on the side. This was it. The big dance. The prom. The Holy Fucking Grail. After last week’s win against the Kings, we were going to the Super Bowl.

There was an entire week of press preparation before the game. A few days of practice scheduled in and one media event after another with the team to show what a great group of guys the Wranglers were.

I looked at Lennon, who was stretched across the bed. Her bare ass was round and gorgeous. She kicked her heels toward her bottom, resting her chin on her folded arms.

“You sure you don’t want to come out early?” I asked. I hated leaving her here.

“I have work, remember? Surgeries. Patients who need me. A job.” Her eyebrows rose.