“I lied to you, Lennon.” It was the first time he used my first name. It somehow sounded endearing coming from his lips. Those dirty lips that had licked me raw. I sat forward. I felt the anger start to creep in my chest.

“What? What lie?”

“There’s no way this is a one-time deal.” He grinned.

I couldn’t help the smile that slipped onto my face. “Well, so far it’s already been a two-time deal.” I giggled. I couldn’t remember the last time a sound like that had come from my lips. I wasn’t a giggly girl.

“True. And I think it’s about to be a three-time deal.” He slapped my ass, singeing his handprint into my flesh.

My eyes widened. There was no way I could do that again. I was sore and raw. And I felt the come oozing between my legs. That was a mistake. Condom next time, for sure.

He chuckled. “Dinner first?”

I nodded. My stomach was rumbling. Wes hopped from the bed and threw a T-shirt in my direction. “You can wear this. Meet you in the kitchen. I had dinner ordered in.”

I watched as he slid on his pants and walked out of the bedroom half-naked. I had just had the best sex of my entire life and my body was still humming from it. I slipped on the shirt that smelled like Wes and padded out to the kitchen.



“Fuck, no. You are not running that play on Monday night.” I slammed my good fist down on the table in the conference room.

“It’s not your call, Wes. You’re not starting. Cosech is our starter tomorrow night.” Coach Howell wiggled his visor back and forth. I could tell he was nervous as hell.

“I don’t care if the kicker takes over. That play won’t work.” I closed the notebook that I had used all season. It was my Bible. It was what won games for the Wranglers.

“Look, I know you’re not exactly excited to sit this game out, but we still need your input. We have a bye next week and then…”

“And then I’ll be back.”

Coach looked at my broken hand. “We’re lucky the press didn’t do any digging on your hand. They seem to accept the sprained wrist update in the press report. Has Dr. Ashworth cleared you to play?”

“She will. It’s not going to be a problem.”

“The AFA is going to need a signed letter from her. You know the protocol.”

“Yes, I know the damn protocol.” Everyone had reminded me over and over what it took to get back in the game after an injury. Especially an injury that required surgery. I leaned back in my chair, staring at the TV screens lining the wall. It was Sunday, and every other team except the Wranglers and Warriors were playing today.

Half my attention was on football, and the other half was on last night. I had rolled out of bed, leaving Lennon naked and alone under my sheets. I couldn’t blow off my meeting with Coach, but this was the last place I wanted to be.

Something had happened last night. Something that had changed me when I got my first taste of her. Her lips, her tits, her clit. They were all mine. I knew it as soon as I pumped inside her tight entrance. I had taken her without meaning it to cross a line, but somehow it did. I licked her. Sucked her. Kissed her until we were both drunk with each other. Fucking never felt like that before. And now I didn’t know what in the hell to do. I wanted more. I was addicted to her body. And if I didn’t get out of this meeting, she’d be gone when I got back home. I needed more. I needed her.

“Look, Wes, I’m prepared to keep Cosech in as long as we need him. If this really is a six-week recovery, I can’t count on you out there.”

I could feel the vein throb at my temple. “It’s not going to take that long. All I need is two weeks. I’ll be back. You can count on me. The entire team can count on me.”

There was a pale strip across his forehead when he took off his visor. “I hope that’s true. Really, I do, but I have to look out for the Wranglers. I have ownership to answer to. You don’t have that pressure.

We both wish this really was a sprain, but let’s face reality. No one bounces back from surgery that quickly. So for now, Cosech is our man. When you get your clearance from Dr. Ashworth, then we’ll talk.”

After last night, I wondered how hard it would be to get her to sign off on my release for the AFA. I had given her an unbelievable night. I wasn’t fooling myself. It had been incredible for me, too. The least she could do was sign some damn papers.

“In the meantime, this is the Monday night playbook.” Coach looked at me.

“All right. Run the damn play.” I pushed away from the table. “But when Cosech’s first pass gets intercepted, don’t look at me,” I warned. I knew what I was talking about. We hadn’t made it this far because of luck. There was strategy in every play. And I called the fucking shots on offense.

I walked past him, trying not to wince. My hand hurt like hell. I needed something to jumpstart the healing process. HGH would solve my problem, but I knew the trainers weren’t going to give it to me.