“For you, I’ve always been ready,” she whispered back, and that primal force within me energized my whole body.

I slid myself into her in a single thrust, and she let out a gasp that filled the whole beach before getting lost in the crashing waves behind us. The sun was setting, and it lit up her dark hair with a glossy sheen. Every little thing I noticed about her made me harder by the second until I was as stiff as the first time I’d gotten to thrust into her.

This time, though, there was something more to it. I bent down over her as she looked up at me with a needy, lidded gaze, breathing through her mouth as she panted for me. I rocked back and forth within her, feeling my every pulse against her insides, getting to know every detail of her pussy.

I kissed her deep

ly, our tongues exploring each other, darting in and out as I sucked on her lip, she bit at mine, and I tasted hers. When our kiss broke, I looked into her eyes as I started thrusting into her. I felt her hands go to my sides, feeling my hardened muscles, counting the ripples in my rock-hard body.

Her hands explored me, soft palms taking in my sculpted form like I took in the feeling of her pussy, the tastes of her breasts, the softness of her lips. We weren’t just fucking, we were fascinated with each other. It was like we were discovering something totally new that had been right in front of us all our lives.

I started to buck faster, wanting to make her come, to feel her back arch and her body tense up and shake. When I brought Jillian on board on this ridiculous little ride I planned, I was hungry for her body. I’d wanted to devour everything she had to offer, to unwind that stern professional and see what she was capable of. Now that I knew, what I felt was so much more.

And God, it was so much better.

I felt comfortable around Jillian in a way I’d never felt comfortable around anyone. Was that the lust talking? Was it just the swarm of endorphins swimming through my head as I felt the need to release in her build up after countless minutes of bucking into her, wrapping her legs around me this way and that, reveling in everything she was?

Whatever it was, I loved it. I wanted to make her feel good the way I felt good, and the way she ran her fingernails down from my back to my sides made me feel like she wanted the same thing. I gripped her ass and pulled her up into me, leaving so little of her body on the ground as I pumped my hips back and forth, listening to her soft whimpers--they weren’t the gasps of the girl she’d once been when I met her, but of the woman she’d become, drinking in everything I had to offer. I grew fiercer and fiercer until I felt her legs start to shake with the exertion, and as she screamed out in delight, I felt her flood my cock with her fluids. Gently, I set her ass back down on the poor, abused towel, still not relenting in my rhythm.

I bent my head down to her ear and whispered as I thrust into her.

“Jill.” She opened her eyes wearily, worn out from the battering I was giving her. I held her head up at the neck as I looked down at her, heart swelling. “Your eyes. God, Jill, I want to keep you here forever so I can always see the sunset playing in those eyes.”

“Keep me,” she gasped in a ragged voice.

“Maybe I just will,” I growled, and I thrust into her harder and faster than ever until I lost control of myself. My balls grew tight, my cock twitched, and I released whatever I had left in me as the orgasm shot through my body, leaving me paralyzed in her for so long I lost track of time before my powerful body slumped beside her, drops of my seed spilling onto her hips as we lay together.

I stared into her eyes as we panted there on the beach, sun setting and painting the sky purple. We didn’t say anything for a long time. Our eyes did the talking for us.

I had no idea what was going to happen at the end of this week. But at that moment, I didn’t care.



I was lying on the bed in a terrycloth robe, my hair a mess of tangles. I was exhausted, my body aching from head to toe. But it was the happy kind of tired. The kind that comes from a long week of sunshine, sea salt, and mind-blowing sex. Next to me, Bruin lay peacefully. His strong arm was draped over me, keeping me close, as though he was afraid I might disappear into thin air if he let me go for even a second. It was adorable.

His gorgeous blue eyes were closed, his kissable lips slightly parted as he breathed deeply. I could tell he was seconds from sleep. There was something so irresistible about him this way. Calm. Quiet. But with that inner strength still thrumming underneath his skin. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I snuggled closer, nuzzling my nose against his. He smiled, his eyes opening just enough to look at me. Even though we were drifting on the Atlantic, the waves outside were nothing compared to the deep blue sea of his eyes. He hugged me close and kissed my forehead gently.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said softly.

“No, I’m not,” I answered.

It was a gut reaction. I got compliments from people often enough, but never from someone like Bruin. It was usually some slimy guy at a bar or some taxi driver shouting at me from his car. Those “compliments” I could deal with. I would roll my eyes, turn away. Sometimes say thank you, usually with varying degrees of sarcasm. But with Bruin, it felt too genuine. Too honest. And it made me blush.

“You are. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he argued.

“Stop,” I laughed, looking away. “I don’t know how to react to how nice you’re being.”

“You could just say thank you,” Bruin suggested, raising an eyebrow. He looked amused.

“Yeah, I guess. I don’t know. It’s weird,” I began, and then stopped myself. He sat up, looking interested suddenly. He began stroking my hair back away from my face as I looked up at him. He cocked his head to one side.

“What’s weird?” he asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing. Don’t worry about it. I don’t know what I’m saying.”

“No, you can’t backtrack now. Tell me what you’re thinking. Whatever it is. I want to know, Jillian,” he pressed. I sighed and sat up, still too bashful to look him in the eye.