“Ride up?” he offered.

She stepped inside the elevator with us. Suddenly the space was claustrophobic. Her designer suit was flawless. So was her hair and skin

. I could smell her expensive French perfume.

“I’ll introduce you,” Jeremy sputtered. “Evie this is Sasha, my business partner in everything. And Sasha, I’d like you to meet Evie.”

I extended my hand toward her. She shook it quickly.

“Nice to meet you.” I smiled.

“And you.”

The elevator emptied us on the top floor. “Would you like to come in for a drink?” Jeremy asked.

“No.” She shook her head. “I came by to let you know I’m on board with the project.”

He smiled slowly. “That’s good. Certainly, worth celebrating.” He nodded toward the door. “Join us. It would be good for you and Evie.”

“Another time,” she argued. “It sounds like you’re taking off more time? Another surprise.”

It was my turn to come to the rescue. I wrapped my arms around my husband. “Jer needs time off. He never takes vacation days. And I’ve wanted this honeymoon.” I looked up at him. “I’ve always wanted to go to Tahiti. He’s romantic, don’t you think?” There were a lot of things I didn’t believe were happening right now. I could add defending Jer as one of them.

“I see.” Sasha looked at him. “He’s a lot of things, but I would never have used the word romantic.” She pressed her glossy red lips together. “I guess I can hold things down while you’re gone.”

“Thanks, Sasha. Maybe you can try out a vacation when I get back.”

“I don’t take vacations,” she stated.

“Crazy things have been happening lately,” he chuckled, opening the door. “Good-bye then?”

I had a feeling she wanted to say more. That there was something in her look, but she ducked into the elevator and was gone.

“She’s intense.”

He huffed. “You have no idea.”

We walked inside.

“Do you think it went ok?” I asked. “Is it what you wanted?”

He nodded. “You were perfect. Gorgeous. Sexy. Everything.”

“And Tahiti? That’s happening? You’re serious?”

He nodded. “Didn’t you tell me I needed to take a vacation?”

“I did, but I didn’t expect you to listen to me. Why Tahiti?”

He shook his head. “I have no fucking idea. It was the first place that popped in my head when I thought about the honeymoon magazines I saw at the Magnolia Inn.”

I giggled. “Jan Hughes would be so happy she helped with our wedding and our honeymoon.”

He squeezed my ass roughly. “You can send her a thank you note for me.”

He raked the silk dress I had spent hours agonizing over until it was at my hips. He traced my bare skin and I moaned. “We need to pack,” I warned. “If we’re really leaving.”

“I announced to the world I’m taking you to Tahiti in the morning, so if your social media account doesn’t show us in Tahiti by tomorrow night, drinking Mai Tais then I’m going to have to answer to the world.” He grinned. “I already have one demanding person to deal with.”