“She’s my partner,” I corrected him.

“Yes, of course.” He smiled at Sasha.

“What brings you to New York? And so early?” I asked.

“Your mother has hired me.”

I shoved my hands in my pockets. “Can she do that? I thought you represented my father’s estate.”

“I represent your parents. I have always worked for your family.”

“Convenient for her.” I rocked back on my heels. “What can I do for you, Byron?”

“I hear congratulations are in order for you and the new Mrs. Hartwell.”

“Thank you.” I wasn’t going to take the bait. I wouldn’t play his game. He wanted a reaction from me, or possibly he was trying to get something from Sasha. I still didn’t know how he knew about the marriage.

“Maybe you’d like to attend the press conference this afternoon, Byron. You can be my guest.”

“Press conference?” It was the first time Sasha had spoken.

I looked at her. It was one of the things I needed to discuss with her, but not under these circumstances. “Yes, I thought since we kept the wedding private, we could share some good news with the world.” I smiled. “We could all use some good news, don’t you think?”

“I’d like to be there,” Byron stated.

“I’ll give you the address. It’s in the lobby of my building.”

“Looking forward to it.” He reached for his fedora, resting on the table.

Sasha took a step to the side for him to pass. Her heels looked even higher this morning.

“Byron,” I called as he ambled to the reception area.

He turned. “Yes?”

“You never did say why you stopped by. You’re a long way from Newton Hills.”

He reached in his worn leather briefcase. It looked as if it could have been a gift he received when he first graduated law school. I would put money on it that the case was fifty years old.

“For you.” He handed me a manila envelope. “Your mother has officially contested the will.”

I shook my head. “She doesn’t need the money.” I gritted my teeth.

“I’m not going to debate the merits of my client’s wishes. We’ll see you in arbitration. I’d like to think this will never make it to court.”

“None of that will happen. I’m married. I’m in position to inherit the Hartwell Global fortune. And I will.”

“Is there an heir I don’t know about?” he asked. “Did you and your wife pick up a baby while you were in Ashville?”

I could hear Sasha’s gasp behind me.

“There will be a baby. And that day will be the day I have everything. There’s nothing you can do about it, Byron. You knew my father’s wishes. You wrote the damn thing.”

He placed the hat on his head. “I look forward to meeting your wife.”

The elevator closed and his was gone.

“A baby?” Sasha raged.