“Why wouldn’t we be convincing?” He waggled his eyebrows. “We have consummated our relationship multiple times. I think we know each other very intimately. We’re close. Closer than most husbands and wives.”

I swallowed. “They don’t know that part.”

“Did that make you blush?” he teased. “You liked what I did last night. Tasting you in a new place.”

I almost moaned out loud. He knew exactly what he did to me. He knew he could coax moans from my throat and orgasms from my core. He knew with one look I’d tear off my clothes and offer my body on the kitchen table. He knew he had me.

“If I could, I’d take you back to bed right now, but I need to prepare the rest of the morning to set up the press conference.”

I sighed, realizing I was disappointed he hadn’t thrown the breakfast dishes on the floor and tossed me on top. “What can I do to help?” I asked.

“As much as I know you probably don’t want to, you need to let your parents know they could get some calls from the media. And Frannie. She needs a heads up too. A united family front would certainly help.”

“Ok. What else?”

“You need something to wear for the announcement.”

“What kind of something?”

He rubbed the back of his head. “Something sophisticated, but not too cold and distant. And you don’t want to look dowdy.”

“So avoid the Jane Austen spinster look this time?”

He chuckled. “We have taken a huge detour from Jane Austen.”

He reached into his pocket and withdrew a credit card. “You can buy anything you want. An entire wardrobe if you like. But make sure you have something for the big show.”

I stared at the hard plastic. “You don’t have to do that. I can buy something on my own. I have savings.”

“You’re a Hartwell now, Evie. You get all the perks. I’ll have your own cards for you by the end of the week. You can use mine until then.”

I took the platinum card and flipped it over in my hand. “I’m going to guess there’s no limit on this?” My eyebrows lifted.

“No limit,” he answered. “The accountant will also set up your own bank accounts. You can take care of that debt you were worried about. I’ll make sure it’s all handled quickly. I don’t want there to be any questions about the trust between us. Nothing will demonstrate to the attorneys that I trust you like sharing my fortune.”

It was strange how quickly I had forgotten about the clinic. I didn’t need it any longer. I was going to have my baby a different way. Was it possible this was even more unconventional than my in vitro plans in Newton Hills? I would pay my bill, and they clinic would be in my past. No more appointments. No more long drives for testing. It was just over.



“I need to get to the office. Sasha is waiting for me. I can’t be late this morning.”

I had almost forgotten about her too. The beautiful blonde. “Do you want me to go with you?” Maybe I should meet her. “You could show me your office.” I smiled sweetly.

“No. It’s going to be hectic today. I’ll have a driver waiting for you. He’ll take you to whatever shops you like. Make sure you’re here and ready by four. I promise I’ll be here.”

I nodded. “I can do that. One not-too-sexy, but not-too-matronly outfit coming up.”

He chuckled. “You’ll look sexy no matter what you do.”

I looked at him. My hair was a complete mess. I was wearing one of his T-shirts. I wasn’t wearing an ounce of makeup, but he didn’t care. He thought I was sexy. The power of Jeremy’s words was intoxicating.

“That’s because you haven’t seen me when I’ve been writing for three days straight.”

“I think I’d like to see that.”

“It’s not pretty.” I shook my head. “My hair sticks straight out of a bun. I wear glasses by the second day, and I completely forego bras.”