There was a knock on the door. “Room service.”

Jer popped up from the floor, looking over the bed. “Stay here. I’ll get it.”

“No. You can’t let anyone in,” I squealed. “Don’t.”

He laughed, reaching for one of the guest robes. I tried not to laugh when I saw Mr. embroidered over his heart. “We’re in the honeymoon suite. I think they know what people do in here.”

I reached up to the bed for a sheet and pulled it down over me so I was covered. I didn’t care if I looked like a kid playing ghost. I didn’t want anyone to see me huddled on the floor after that epic sexfest. Although, coffee and food did sound tempting.

Jeremy opened the


“Good morning,” the woman greeted him. “Breakfast is part of the elopement package.” She wheeled a cart into the room.

“Looks good,” he replied.

“If there is anything you or your wife need, let us know. You can always call the front desk.”

“Thank you.”

I heard them shuffling around and then she was gone.

“You can come out now, Casper.”

I threw the sheet off my head. “There was no way I was going to let her see my face, after what she probably heard me scream thirty seconds ago.”

He laughed. He wheeled the cart closer to the side of the bed. “Can I hear it again?” He winked.

I blushed. “Maybe.”

“Oh I intend to. Maybe every morning.”

He lifted the lids from the silver trays. There were pastries, croissants, platters of fruit, eggs, and bacon.

We sat on the floor with the platters between us. Jeremy poured two cups of coffee. I was starving. Other than the few bites of bread in between the Malbec, I hadn’t eaten. The food was delicious.

“How do you feel?” he asked.

I broke off the end of a piece of bacon. “Hungover.” I smiled sheepishly. “And hungry.” I reached for the coffee. Caffeine was always my magic fix when I had too much wine. After breakfast I would see if there was complimentary ibuprofen in the bathroom.

“I meant about our arrangement?” He grinned. “Any regrets?”

How could I regret the kind of sex I was having? There was no way I wouldn’t be pregnant in a few months at this rate. It was a dream come true.

“None.” My answer was confident. “This was the best decision I could have made.”

“I think so too.” He plucked a strawberry from the fruit platter. “I’m surprised as hell we actually went through with it.”

“It was your idea.” I eyed the croissants.

“Doesn’t mean you would agree to it.”

“And what if I hadn’t? Would this have been your plan? Find someone to marry and claim your inheritance?” I asked. As soon as I said it, part of me wanted to take it back. I didn’t want to know the answer. Loveless marriage or not, my ego was already involved.

He huffed. “Hell no. Everything fell into place last night. That’s how I see it. If I hadn’t gone to Bella’s, I’d be waking up alone in my New York apartment.”

I bit my lip and my shoulders relaxed. The slight twinge of jealousy that had started to flicker faded. He wasn’t on a quest to find any woman. Last night, I was the woman.