“Thanks, brother.” He grinned. “You know how good this tastes?”

I nodded. “Sure do. There’s no good liquor in the desert.”

We stood in silence for a minute.

“How’s Texas? The motel?”

It was a good place to start. “Actually turning around for the first time in two years. I think I’m going to be able to make it work.”

“And you seriously don’t want to sell it to one of those beach developers?”

I laughed. “Can you imagine what Pop would do?”

Ryan chuckled. “I see your point.” He sipped the bourbon. “I’m glad it’s working out for you. And I’m glad you’re here. Can’t believe you brought the kid too.”

“After this week I’m going to have full custody. Amber leaves for London at the end of the summer. I didn’t want to start full-time parenting by leaving him behind. And he loved the plane.”

“Maybe he’ll be a pilot. Please don’t let him join the Air Force.”

“Corps all the way.” I grinned, slapping him on the back.


The big homecoming party was tomorrow. We decided Ryan needed to know ahead of time. We couldn’t ask Kaitlyn’s parents to keep our secret.

“Listen, man. I’ve got to tell you something.”

Ryan turned to face me. His skin was unusually tan. “Don’t tell me you knocked up another girl.”

I grimaced. “No, but there’s a girl.”

He raised his eyebrows. “A serious girl? Does she know about Grayson?”

I nodded. “She does. And Amber. And the Dunes. She knows everything.”

He tilted his head. “She knows all your baggage and she’s still around?”

“I don’t think there’s anyone else like her. She’s amazing. And gorgeous. She accepts all of it.”

“Don’t tell me she gives you blow jobs every day too. Because I haven’t fucked a girl in a year.”

I wasn’t going there. “I was going to say, and she still loves me.”

He blinked. “Love? Shit. I have missed a lot. Never thought Cole Thomas would say that.”

“You might want to finish your drink to hear the rest of this.”

Ryan looked at me. “What is it?”

“The girl is Kaitlyn.”

I should have known it was coming. I should have braced myself or even ducked. But the punch was fast and furious.

Ryan slugged me, knocking me on my ass.

He stood over me. “Mother fucker. You did not just tell me you’re fucking my sister.”

I rubbed my jaw.