I stepped into the cool shower. My shoulders were slightly pink from the sun. No amount of sunscreen could stop the sun in Texas. The water felt good. I emerged from the shower feeling silky smooth and more like a tropical flower and less like a cactus.

I pulled my hair into a twist and clipped a big pink flower on the side. Lisa had ordered all kinds of luau accessories for Tassels Surf Shop when she heard about the party. I pulled the yellow dress over my hips and reached behind to zip it to the middle of my back. My feet slid into the sandals I had bought the first day.

I laid the Hawaiian shirt on the bed that Lisa said was for Cole. He hadn’t exactly agreed to wear it, but in the spirit of the party, he might surprise me. He still wasn’t back from the mainland maintenance run. He had fixed the icemaker and the main dryer only to be plagued with two air conditioners that had gone out. He promised they were simple fixes but he had easily been gone three hours. I checked my phone for the time. Fifteen minutes until show time.

I headed to the party.

“Don’t you look like a ray of sunshine?” Hank greeted me in the parking lot.

“Thanks, Hank.” I hugged the bartender. “Wow, it looks like a real luau out here.”

“I can’t say that I’ve ever been to Hawaii, but yeah, you put something real special together for Cole.” He beamed at me like a proud parent.

“Have you seen him anywhere?” I searched the group mulling behind the food and beer table.

“Not yet. But he’ll be here. Sometimes the mainland has traffic.”

“Traffic, huh?” I knew Hank was trying to reassure me.

“Look at you, Carolina.” Cal and Lance had returned from a quick shower. They looked clean-shaven.

“You both look handsome.” I eyed the Texas boys in their Hawaiian shirts, boots, and cowboy hats.

“We try.” Cal put his arm around me. “Where’s Cole?”

“Air conditioners went out. He had to make a parts run so the guests don’t spontaneously combust.” I tried to keep my voice peppy, but I was starting to worry he hadn’t returned.

“Darlin’, he’ll be back soon.” Lance put his arm around my other shoulder. “In the meantime, can we get you something to drink?” Lance was acting extra sweet.

It crossed my mind that Amber had told him about the scene I made at Peabody’s when I spilled my drink and ran. I should probably have been more embarrassed than I was.

“A beer would be awesome. Thanks, Lance.” Was it just last Saturday he had tried to get me a drink at the bonfire?

“Thanks.” I sipped on the coconut rum through the straw.

Lance shifted on his feet. “Kaitlyn, I wanted to talk to you about Amber.”

My cheeks turned a bright crimson. “You don’t have to do that, Lance. She and Cole seem to be working things out for Grayson. That’s what’s important.”

“I’m not the best uncle, or babysitter. But I’m here if he needs me.”

“Have you told him that?” I asked.

He hung his head. “I’ve always taken her side.”

“That’s what a good brother does.” I smiled.

“Yeah, but I see that Cole has always put Grayson first. Amber hasn’t. She puts Amber first. This damn poetry trip proves it.”

I squeezed his arm. “I know Cole would appreciate your help. I’ll let you tell him. And Grayson would love hanging out with his uncle.”

“Thanks.” He hugged me.

Sasha opened the gate at the top of steps for me. “Whoa, look at you. Has Cole seen you all dressed in yellow?”

I blushed. “Not yet. He isn’t here.” I searched the parking lot for his truck. “I thought he’d be back by now.”

“He’ll be here. He’s not going to miss the luau.” She turned to show me the pool. “What do you think? It was a last minute idea that I borrowed from my mom.”