Grayson was on the floor surrounded by trains.

“Want to head to the beach?” I asked. “We can look for seagulls.”

He jumped up. “Birds. Beach.”

I laughed. He was cute. Adorable. Even if he wasn’t Cole’s son I would have loved this child. He was sweet and seldom got upset. I knew children were resilient, but this one seemed to take all the uncertainty in his life without complaint.

I understood why Cole worked so hard to give him stability.

“Ok, let’s get your shoes and we’ll find some birds.”

I stooped to lace up his tiny shoes. We walked outside and jogged across the boardwalk.

The beach was littered with late afternoon sunbathers. I watched as two toddlers took turns dumping water out of their buckets and squealing every time the waves lapped their toes. Their parents caught every second of the action with their phones and cameras.

I wondered if Grayson saw scenes like that and wondered why his parents weren’t together.

“Let’s go this way.” I pointed.

I hadn’t explored the beach toward the south, so we took a right and settled into an even pace. My feet pushed off the sandy surface and I dodged rushing waves, making a game for myself. Grayson was on my heels and I would circle back around to chase him. As soon as we crossed the barrier for the first resort, we made a U-turn for the Dune Scape.

It wasn’t my standard run, but it was more fun with Grayson. He giggled every time I got closer to him.

I wondered if he thought of me as one of his babysitters. There was no way to ask. I just wanted to soak this in.

“You ready to walk back?” I asked. “We could get some juice.”

“Yes. Juice please.”

I laughed. “Ok. Come on.”

I wished I had a water bottle with me.

I took Grayson’s hand and we climbed the boardwalk steps. I was completely energized from my run. By now, the beach was desolate and the sun had sunk almost to the horizon.

I slipped off my running shoes and stuffed my socks inside. Grayson sat on his bottom and copied my actions.

“See if you can do this?”

From the perch of the boardwalk, I inhaled the salt air and closed my eyes. I aligned my feet, before extending my arms and bending into warrior pose. Grayson tried to lean forward and toppled over, but he hopped up and tried again.

“Ok, and now try this one.”

I slid my feet so that they were touching and carefully brought my hands together over my head. The last rays of the sun pierced my back. Two more deep breaths in tree pose and I released my form, bending to grab my running shoes. I scooped up Grayson’s in my other hand.

I felt his gaze before I saw him. Cole was standing on the bottom step.

“Daddy!” Grayson ran.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were there.” I blushed.

“What was that you were doing?” He tilted his head to the side and smiled, sending a jolt of electricity through my body. He pulled Grayson into his arms.

I brushed the sand from my feet and wiggled my toes into the socks. “A little warrior pose, a little tree pose. Grayson can do yoga too.” I smiled.

“You looked beautiful.” He walked up the five steps to meet me.

I bit my lip. It seemed like something serious to say in front of his son.