The bartender polished a glass. “That’s hard to say. There aren’t many of us local business owners left on the island, so I respect him for trying to hold out. However, no one would blame him if he sold the place and moved on with his life.”

“Orders up!” the cook yelled through the kitchen window.

“Here you go, my dear.” Hank handed me two white paper bags. “Tell Cole I said hello.”

“I will. Thanks, Hank.” I was happy to have lunch in hand, but Hank had dispensed a backstory on Cole I hadn’t expected.

I walked across the street and thought about what Hank said. Cole had given up his education to help his grandfather, and now was plowing forward with a business that might as well be built on quicksand. He’d never have enough money to make all the repairs the buildings needed. I knew what my nightly rate was and with twenty-four rooms at that price, the income numbers just weren’t what he needed to run a business.

I checked the office first to see if Cole was inside, but my piles of receipts looked untouched. I started with the first room and knocked on each door until I found Cole precariously balanced on the edge of a bathtub.

“I brought lunch. Hank says hi.” I held up the bags before placing them on the dresser by the TV. “What are you doing up there?”

He had one leg on the tub and the other on the soap dish. His tool belt was fastened around his waist and he was wearing his white T-shirt that I associated as his self-proclaimed work uniform.

“This showerhead keeps spraying the ceiling. I’m trying to adjust the pipe and the setting so I don’t have to replace it. Not many replacement parts around here.” He twisted the wrench in his hand, keeping his eyes on the nozzle.

“Right.” My eyes followed the lines of his forearm. Each time he tightened the wrench, the muscles in his arms flexed harder.

I had gone over the expense budget this morning. Cole would be lucky to pay the utilities this month. He definitely didn’t have money for extra plumbing fixtures.

“Can I help or something?” I walked closer to the tub, admiring the view hovering above me.

“Yeah, I think the smaller wrench is on the vanity. Can you get it for me? I don’t want to move.” He nodded at the placement of his feet.

“Don’t do that. It looks like you could fall. I’ll get it.” I reached for the wrench and handed it to him.

“Thanks. I think I’m almost done.” He fastened the end of the wrench behind the showerhead and twisted the head a few times.

“I made some headway this morning on your numbers.”

“Really? What did you figure out, numbersmith?” His attention was on the pipe in front of him.

“It seems like you might have a few decisions to make.” I didn’t know how open Cole would be to discussing the real estate offers with me, but the reality of his situation called for a serious resolution.

“Good. I think that’s fixed. This room is done.”

Cole made a hop straight up and landed with both feet in the tub. I smiled at him, just as the showerhead sputtered to the floor of the tub and water spewed from the open pipe. I shrieked under the cold water.

“Turn it off! Can’t you turn it off?” I giggled while trying to turn the handles. Cole reached for the pipe above me, twisting the nozzle until the geyser ceased.

“Damn it. That actually didn’t work.” He rested his forehead against the shower wall. “So much for trying to save on parts.” Water trickled down the back of his neck.

I stood, my drenched clothes clinging to me. A few seconds passed before Cole turned around.

“Oh my God, I got you completely soaked. Sorry.” He laughed as he tried to wipe the water from his eyes.

“Yeah, I’m not the only one. Look at you.” I pointed to his white T-shirt. It hugged every muscle on his torso and it had become almost transparent from absorbing the water. My fingers reached forward, needing to trace the lines the wet shirt made against his skin.

I inhaled sharply, recognizing the shift in the mood. I felt his gaze lingering over the V of my throat, and the involuntary twinge in my belly as I looked into his eyes. The space between us was so charged with energy, it felt thick enough to grasp and push aside, like a curtain.

Cole pivoted as if he was going to step out of the tub. “Maybe I should get us some towels.”

I remembered how it felt last night when we were so tangled around each other it was hard to breathe. I wanted that feeling again. I wanted him.

“Cole, wait.” I clenched a handful of his wet shirt in my fist, preventing him from moving past me.

His eyes shot from my hand to my face. The expression he wore was a mix of lust and hesitation. “Kaitlyn, I …” He closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the shower.