“You want a drink or something?” Lance asked, holding up his red plastic cup.

Watching another couple make out had cast an awkward cloud on our conversation, as if we had somehow been paired together. “Definitely. What’s in there?”

“All kinds of stuff.” He grinned. “Be right back.” I lost track of him as he disappeared into the crowd.

“I didn’t take you for the bonfire type.” The deep voice carried over my ear. I wasn’t prepared for the chills it sent down my back and arms.

I whipped around and tried to ground my senses. Cole stood inches from me. He was holding out a red cup for me.

“Why wouldn’t I be?” I took the cup and a cautious sip. The drink tasted like a lime-flavored beer combination. It was refreshing.

“I don’t know. I thought you liked to dance.” He smirked as he held the cup to his lips.

I almost choked on my drink. “You went to one of my dance recitals. One.”

It might have been the flames from the bonfire, but his eyes flickered like he wanted to lure me into a confrontation.

I thought back to how he looked at me this afternoon in the room. How his eyes followed every curve of my chest until he was almost speechless. I stepped closer to him.

“Kaitlyn, here you go.” Lance walked up next to me with a drink. The second Cole appeared, I had forgotten about Lance and the drink.

I took a step back from Cole.

“Looks like Cole already got you a drink.” A frown formed on Lance’s thin lips. If he had any confidence before Cole showed up, I could tell it was quickly fading.

Sasha had already told me this was a party for locals, so I shouldn’t have been surprised the guys knew each other, but the encounter felt a little testosterone-charged.

“Are you two friends?” I asked Lance.

“We know each other.” Lance wasn’t volunteering much information and Cole didn’t respond.

“What, did you two date the same girl or something?” I giggled. That couldn’t be, but the longer the silence grew, the more I thought I had just stuck my foot in my mouth.

“Lance’s not too happy with me these days,” Cole volunteered.

“And why is that?” I looked at Lance, who was no longer his happy-go-lucky self.

“He dated my sister.” Lance’s words were flat.

“Oh.” I didn’t know what to say. I had more questions, but neither one was giving out answers.

“I’ll take the drink for her, man.” Cole reached for the cup.

Lance chuckled under his breath. “Why am I not surprised?” He shoved the drink in Cole’s hand and angled toward me. “I’ll catch up with you later, Carolina. Cal needs something.”

“What was that about?” I looked at Cole.

“For someone who’s only been here one day, you’ve sure made a lot of friends.” He sipped from his cup. “Lance and Cal like you, especially Lance.”

“Kaitlyn, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to leave you as soon as we got here. Cal gets a little carried away around me.” Sasha emerged from the crowd, looking flushed and trying to catch her breath.


p; “Yeah, I could tell.”

“What do you say we go for a walk?” Cole asked.

He stepped over the log and stood in front of me, so that my only view was him. “Walk with me.” It wasn’t a request.