“I think I have a long way to go.” I handed the pool cue back to Lance. “But, thanks for the lesson. I had fun.”

“Anytime. Wait. Can I buy you a drink before you leave?” Lance’s expression turned sheepish and his gaze hit the floor.

I looked at him and knew then Cal had been right, Lance was crushing on me. “Thanks, but I’m pretty tired. Long day with the flight and the lost luggage, you know? Maybe another time.” I didn’t want our fun night to turn awkward. I was hoping he had put me in the friend zone from the beginning.

“Sure, darlin’. We’ll do it another time. Good night.” Lance grinned. If he was disappointed, he didn’t show it. He leaned over and tucked a folded napkin in the crease of my fist.

I didn’t need to open it right now to know what was on it.

The guys tipped their hats in my direction as I waved goodnight.

I walked across the street, and headed down the few blocks to the Dune Scape. The vacancy sign flashed in the office window. On the other side of the glass, Cole was sitting at the desk facing stacks of receipts and paper. An opened beer rested next to him. His hands were grasping either side of his head, and he was lost in a mound of paperwork. I noticed the clock above his head read almost 1 a.m. My pool playing with Cal and Lance had lasted longer than I realized.

I paused for a second in front of the window, watching Cole sort through the piles and punch figures into a handheld calculator. It looked like he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. I hesitated. I wanted to walk inside and tell him all the things weighing on my heart for over ten years.

But it would be the confessions of a margarita.

I walked past the office, knowing I never had a chance with Cole.

“Wake up, baby,” his voice growled in my ear.

“I can’t,” I whined.

“This will help.”

I felt a wide hand slide between my legs and begin to work over my clit.


“You awake yet?’

I nodded. “God that feels good, Cole.”

“How many times can I make you come tonight?” he teased.

I shook my head. “I keep losing count.”

His thumb pushed inside me. “Fuck, you’re wet. You like it when I come to you at night to fuck you, don’t you?”

“Yes,” I answered. It was why I slept naked.

He pumped in and out of me. “Good. Because it’s my favorite part of the day. Now spread those gorgeous legs and let me fuck you until you wake up from this dream.”

Dream? I moaned. I sat forward. The air conditioner hummed in the wall and I reached down, my panties were soaked. Shit.

I fell back on the bed. It wasn’t the first time I had dreamed about Cole and it wasn’t going to be the last.



“Excuse me. Could you move please? You’re blocking my sun.”

I stood directly in front of Kaitlyn, casting a wide shadow around her chair.

“Sorry, princess. Didn’t mean to interfere with your busy morning.” I hid the smirk.

She was the only one sunning at the Dune Scape pool. The pool was elevated above the parking lot, and from her guests could see the waves crashing on the beach. It wasn’t resort living, but it was a nice view.