“Uh, guys? You do realize it’s just two people who are supposed to be eating all this, right? This is enough food for twelve, not two,” I remarked.

“No, not two. Two and a half,” Lauren corrected. She gave me a wink directed toward my belly. I shot Kat a scandalized look.

“Geez, Kat, did you tell absolutely everybody? It’s supposed to be a surprise. It won’t be much of a surprise if Chase gets here and someone blurts it out before I get a chance to,” I pointed out.

Kat blushed and shrugged. “Sorry. I’m just really excited. You know that’s going to be the most adorable baby the world has ever seen, right?”

“Yeah. I’ve seen your husband. Those cheekbones could cut glass,” Lauren remarked.

“And you’re stunning, of course,” Beverly added.

“Thanks, guys. But just… don’t let the cat out of the bag too soon, all right?” I sighed.

“Our lips are sealed,” Kat piped up, making a zipping gesture across her mouth.

Just then, my phone chimed to let me know I had received a text message. There was a collective gasp from everyone and I laughed as I checked my phone. My heart skipped a beat and I announced, “Okay! He’s in the taxi on his way up the mountain. He’ll be here any minute now! Everybody, scatter! Go back to what you were doing before. I don’t want anything to stand out until he gets all the way up here.”

“Oh, this is so exciting!” Kat gushed. “I don’t know if I can keep a straight face.”

“Come on,” Beverly said, linking arms with her. “I’ll go downstairs with you and help you maintain your composure when he walks in. Good luck,” she added to me with a wink.

“Thanks, everyone. Sincerely,” I told them all. Everybody nodded and hurried off back to their usual positions so Chase wouldn’t be tipped off about the surprise.

I fretted over some petty details on the table and took a minute to spiff up my hair and makeup in the bathroom. I was wearing the same white dress Chase had gifted me before our reception in Chicago, and as I looked in the mirror it hit me that this might be the last time for a while that I would be able to fit in it. The ribbon-tied waistline might not suit me for the next nine months, I thought. That image filled me with so much excitement and joy that I nearly burst into happy tears, but I forced myself to calm down.

About fifteen minutes later, there was a knock at the door and I rushed to answer.

“Hi, baby,” Chase greeted me. He was holding a bouquet of lilies, my favorite flower, and he instantly pulled me into a tight hug. He kissed the top of my head and stroked my hair. “God, I have missed you.”

“I missed you, too,” I murmured into his powerful chest. This was where I felt the safest and happiest, locked away in Chase’s strong arms. Nothing could hurt me here.

“Oh, hey. What’s all this?” he asked suddenly, peering around me to look at the dinner table laden with elaborate dishes. I grinned up at him.

“Happy anniversary!” I wished him, standing on tiptoe to kiss him.

“This is amazing, sweetheart. But that’s a lot of food.”

“I know, Chef Louis went a little bananas,” I laughed. “Do you want to sit down and start making a dent in it before it gets cold?”

“Yes, actually. I’m starving,” Chase agreed. We sat down to dinner and spent the next hour and a half eating and talking. He told me all about his success over in San Francisco, about how all he had to do was mention to the seller that he was the co-proprietor of the Peppertree Resort and the seller immediately agreed to the deal.

“Wow, I didn’t realize we had that level of clout,” I confessed.

“Oh yes. I get calls about the Peppertree constantly. My clients keep asking me to give their properties ‘The Peppertree Treatment’ and asking to see photos and blueprints of the designs. I can’t wait until you can start going to these meetings with me, Haley, since you’re the mastermind behind it all,” he complimented.

“Well, thank you, but you know none of it would have been possible if not for your help. You’re the one who made it happen,” I told him honestly.

Chase grinned, taking a sip of his champagne. “Well, we are a fantastic team. In more ways than one,” he added flirtatiously. Then he gestured at my glass. “What are you drinking? It certainly doesn’t look like champagne.”

“Oh, this? It’s just apple cider,” I answered simply.

He frowned slightly. “Why? I thought you loved champagne. Aren’t we celebrating?”

I bit my lip. It was time to break the news. My heart was pounding as I slowly got up and retrieved a little wrapped present from the coffee table and brought it over to Chase.

“What’s this? I thought we agreed we weren’t going to give gifts,” he noted.

“Just open it,” I urged him, taking the seat beside him.