“What time is it?” I inquired, looking around for a clock.

“Just after two,” he answered. “But it’s late enough for wine, if that’s what you’re really asking. I’m certainly not going to judge you. Not with the event we’ve got planned.”

“Yes. Wine would be nice, actually,” I sighed. My stomach churned. I followed him into the kitchen, where he poured me a small glass of burgundy. “I’m really nervous, Chase.”

“I know,” he acknowledged softly. “I have to admit, I’m almost nervous, too.”

“Almost nervous?” I repeated. I raised an eyebrow. He chuckled.

“Let’s just say it takes a lot to knock me off my game,” he explained simply.

“Well, that makes one of us, at least,” I replied. “I’m terrified your mother or mine is going to see right through this whole charade. I hope my acting skills hold up.”

Chase walked over and kissed me on the forehead, soothing me instantly. “Just act like yourself. I’ll be there beside you every step of the way. It will all work out just fine.”

I smiled up at him. “How do you do that?” I asked quietly.

“Do what?” he asked, frowning slightly.

“Put me at ease with just a few words,” I answered. “It’s like magic.”

Chase took my hand. “Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.”

He led me across the massive penthouse to his bedroom, pushed the door open, and took me inside. Apart from the overall impressive design and decor of the room, there was something else truly eye-catching lying on the bed. A gorgeous white dress studded with what had to be bespoke Swarovski crystals, a silken ribbon around the waist. It was somehow both simple and stunning at the same time, and perfectly attuned to my tastes. I had never given much thought to what kind of wedding dress I would like, and yet somehow this was exactly it.

“Oh my God,” I murmured, almost too in awe to touch it. “This is gorgeous.”

“Good. Because so are you,” Chase told me, kissing my cheek.



I couldn’t believe how stunning Haley looked in that dress. I felt my shaft stirring under my suit, and I wanted nothing more than to push her down on the bed and take her right then, dress bunched up past her thighs.

But we had appearances to keep up.

Once she was dressed, we made our way downstairs, and I’d never been more proud to step into a limousine with her. Doing things like this with Haley felt strangely natural, as if we’d been doing them for years already and never stopped.

It was a short drive to the venue. As we pulled up, I saw that my mother had stepped outside to welcome us.

“Is that her?” Haley asked, suddenly a little tense. She was watching our limo approach with a hawkish smile.

“That’s her.”

“How did she know we were here?” she hissed.

“I let her know we were close,” I explained with a comforting smile, holding Haley’s hand and stroking the top of it with my thumb. “Just stick close to me and act natural. She already loves you, you’ll be fine.”

“Right, okay. Wait, really?”

I didn’t have time to answer. The limo had come to a stop, and the driver opened the door for us to step out.

“Chase, darling,” Mom greeted me with a kiss on each cheek.

“Evening, Mom,” I chuckled back as she glided to Haley, giving her an appraisive once-over before smiling and doing the same to her.

“Nice to meet you again, Mrs. Hawthorne,” Haley said in the most charming yet inoffensive voice she could muster. She was going to be a natural.