I must have looked like a moving statue to her. My cock was so hard inside her that it held her up with a strength of its own, and her hips were completely subject to my control. I felt her struggling to keep up pace, but I didn’t want to make her have to work. All she had to do was lay back and enjoy the ride.

And within a few minutes of relentless bucking, the tightness I felt told me she was getting just that.

I pounded into her harder and harder, feeling her get tense and shut her eyes as she neared the point of release.

And at the last moment, I decided to be cruel.

I pulled out of her, making her eyes spring open and look at me in desperate terror that I might not let her finish.

“Wh—” she started, but I seized her and picked her up, silencing her with a kiss as I walked back to the nearest chair and sat us down in it.

I faced her away from me, and with barely a few seconds delay, I lowered her onto my cock.

The gasping shudder I felt from her was worth every bit of fear she had on her face a few moments ago. Her whole body convulsed as I stuffed my cock further into her, and I groped her breasts through her bra as I bucked my hips up into her, bouncing her on my cock.

I unhooked her bra between bounces and threw it aside, and as soon as I could, I groped her breasts with both hands, both stroking the stiff nipples and using them to hold her closer to me as I bucked up into her.

I felt another orgasm well up inside her within moments, and in the privacy of her suite, she let out her cries of bliss freely.

Finally, with my cock sticking straight up into her, I let myself hurdle toward my own release. I lost count of her orgasms--my cock and my whole crotch was already soaking in her juices, and the smell of her musk was thick in the air. She was leaning back on me limply when I felt my whole body well up with desire for her all at once, pressure becoming too much to bear.

I let myself go, shooting snowy-white seed into her and letting it mingle with her honey, shot after shot.

It had only been a few days, but I had saved myself up for her, and I produced so much that it ran out of her already tight pussy.

Finally, when we were both spent, our ragged breathing filled the room.

I gave her stiff nipple a final flick, and she shuddered and giggled all at once, wiggling her ass into me while I was still stiff in her.

“I think this has been a productive business meeting,” I murmured into her ear, and her purr electrified me.



“This place has serious potential, Chase, I swear,” I was telling my new husband.

He was standing at the window in his boxers and a downy robe brought from home. Apparently the Peppertree’s robes weren’t fancy enough. I wanted to hold that against him but I really couldn’t. It was a fact. Our robes were not of the same sublime quality as the ones at some of Chase’s other resorts and hotels. But that was just one more item on the long list of things I planned to change.

“Oh, I believe you,” he replied. He turned back to smile at me, his arms crossed over his bare chest. “Or rather I believe in you. I won’t lie to you, the Peppertree needs some serious upgrades and repairs to bring it up to four or five-star level.”

“No argument there,” I commented. Although it was true, it still hurt to hear anyone say something negative about my resort. It was my home, after all. But he was right.

“However,” he added, walking over to the bed. “You are brilliant. And organized. I remember seeing your notes in college. Color-coded, subject-specific, perfectly-ordered.”

I blushed at the memory. I had always been kind of a type-A woman, but in college I was a maniac of organization and planning. I scheduled my study days down to every excruciating detail, down to the minute, slotting out times for quick snack refueling and bathroom breaks. In fact, it had actually been Chase who helped me break me of more neurotic, less helpful habits. He taught me how to relax when I needed to, and sometimes I showed him how to better allot his time. Of course, he was so clever in his classes that he hardly needed the study time anyway.

“What I see here at the Peppertree is not a failure of determination or a lack of good taste,” he went on. “It’s a lack of funds. I fully believe that you would never have allowed your father’s dream to slip so far if you’d had any control over it. I know that. Because I know you. And Haley Simmons does not give up easily.”

I could feel tears stinging in my eyes. He was right. I knew he was. But after years of being blamed and vilified as though I was the sole cause of the Peppertree’s fall from grace, it was a massive relief to hear that at least one person understood the truth about what happened here. Maybe I could have scrambled more money together to fix the problems as they arose, but the truth was, I wasn’t used to pinching pennies. I mean, it wasn’t like I had grown up spoiled and pampered-- my father was adamant about teaching me the value of a dollar in my personal spending habits. But in regard to the resort, Dad spared no expense. We had the best of everything, because the resort was so wildly successful that every expense paid for itself and then some. It was an upward cycle, in which every penny we spent came back to us tenfold. But after Dad passed, it was different. The Peppertree had all the same expenses and more, without the revenue to sustain them. It was a money problem, and a public image problem, but without the funds needed to fix them, the problems snowballed.

“Thank you for understanding how the Peppertree got to this place,” I murmured. I reached up and took his hand. He gave it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s so nice to know there is someone out here in the world who knows how hard I tried. Because I really, really tried, Chase. This place is my heart. It’s the only home I’ve ever known. I would do anything to bring it back to life again.”

“I know you would,” he told me. He knelt down by the bed and kissed my hand. “And between your vision and determination and my funding, we will make this place as amazing as it used to be. Hell, we’ll make it better than it used to be.”

This time I was so grateful and overwhelmed with emotion that I could not have stemmed the flow of tears if I’d wanted to. Hot streaks rolled down my cheeks. Chase got up and cupped my face in his hands, kissing away the tears gently. “Look, I’m staying the weekend,” he said softly, “How about you show me around the property? We can talk about all the things you want to change and I can make some suggestions, too, if that would help.”

I smiled and nodded happily, wiping at my eyes. “Yes. That would be amazing.”