“You’re right,” I relented. “I know you’re right. Bruin couldn’t care less how the wedding goes. And nothing stresses him out. He’s always cool. Always.”

“Which is another reason why you’ll balance each other out so well,” she remarked.

I smiled. “I know. That’s true.”

“Come on now, let me fix your mascara. You have got to stop getting all teary-eyed. This mascara is supposed to be waterproof but it’s not, apparently.”

“Anna Kate. It’s not just about walking down the aisle, but I’m also pregnant. Everything makes me cry right about now. I can’t help it.” I laughed, shrugging. “My hormones are going totally bananas. Especially today.”

“I know. I know.”

“You look pretty, Jillian,” declared a small, babyish voice to my left.

I looked down to see little Emma smiling up at me. I bent down and scooped her up into my arms, giving her a kiss on the nose. She giggled.

“You look pretty, too,” I told her. “Are you ready to be a flower girl?”

She nodded, bouncing up and down in my arms excitedly. “Yeah, yeah! Flower girl! I’m going to be a flower girl!”

Anna Kate reached over and tickled her stomach, making her erupt into high-pitched giggles. “You remember how I taught you to do it? How to toss the flowers on the ground and make it look nice?” Anna asked her. She grinned.

“Yes. I practiced at home,” she announced. “Daddy let me throw flowers in the living room all day.”

“Wow, I bet that was really fun to clean up,” Anna snorted.

I chuckled. “Oh boy. It was awfully fun.”

“When do I get cake?” asked Emma, always full of the most important questions.

“After the ceremony, sweetheart,” I told her.

“How long is the ceremony?” she asked suspiciously. I hugged her tightly.

“Not too long. I’m hungry, too,” I admitted honestly.

Emma poked at my stomach. “Is the baby hungry for cake?” she asked. Anna and I both burst out laughing and I nodded.

“Oh yes. The baby wants some cake, for sure,” I giggled.

“Let’s have cake now,” Emma suggested, putting her fists up in the air.

“No, no. Not yet. Soon, but not yet. You remember what we talked about?” I asked.

She sighed. “Yes. I have to be patient.”

“Good girl,” I said, kissing her on the chubby cheek. “Okay. I’m going to let Aunt Anna Kate fix my makeup, all right? Be good and get ready to be a flower girl.”

I set her down and Anna Kate got to work dabbing at my eyes. When she was done, we had to hunt down my lipstick for a touch-up, and then I realized I was still missing something.

“And where the hell is my damn veil?” I asked again loudly.

“Right here. One vintage wedding veil, coming through,” bellowed a deep male voice.

I turned around to see my big brother rushing through the crowd of women, holding my veil up in the air. I grinned and ran to him.

“Oh, thank you. You’re a lifesaver.”