“Oh my God, can I look up yet?” Jillian said with a playful tone as I pulled the Mercedes down the driveway, finally coming to a stop.

I’d rented a car and told Jillian I had a surprise for her, and I’d had her keep her eyes on her phone ever since we drove through LA. Considering that had been nearly two hours, I was impressed by her patience, even though I figured she could guess where I was taking her.

“Sure can,” I relented.

Jillian lifted her head to see the massive home we were parked in front of. It was a Mediterranean-style villa home with columns out front and a large fountain in the middle of the circular driveway. A few gardeners were out tending the hedges that lined the place, and a valet greeted us with a smile.

“Oh my God, where are we?” Jillian asked.

“Home,” I replied with a grin.

A few minutes later, we were walking into the house, and Jillian was looking around at the interior decor with wide eyes.

“Mr. Anderson left half an hour ago, sir,” the doorman said behind me. “Said he had a meeting he was late for, and your return couldn’t have been more timely.”

“Thanks, Darren,” I said with a thumbs-up to my doorman.

“Bruin, this place is stunning,” Jillian gushed as she looked around at the place. “Who did your interior design?”

“I hired a team of professionals from Milan.” I smi

led appreciatively as I walked down the entry hall with her. “They’ve got an eye for design that’s hard to find on this side of the world. But you haven’t seen the best part yet.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, and as if on cue, I heard the sound of tiny feet running on the tile floors.

“Daddy!” came a high-pitched child’s voice from one of the side-hallways, and I instinctively knelt down to see Emma come running clumsily around the corner, her bright eyes shining and her face smiling as she opened her arms for me to catch her.

“There she is,” I said with a laugh, scooping her up in my arms and standing up, immediately launching her into the air and catching her. The sound of her delighted laughter was music to my ears. “How’d you like your time with Uncle Rhett, sweetie?”

“He has big silly arms,” she said, and I laughed, ruffling her hair as I turned to face Jillian with my girl.

“Emma’s at that age where she has a lot of interesting things to say,” I explained, watching Jillian’s face shining in adoration. “She calls the valet ‘Mr. Horseman,’ and I can’t figure out why for the life of me.”

Emma was watching Jillian with a curious expression, and she looked to me for help. I beamed at her. “Emma, this is Jillian, a special friend of Daddy’s.”

She turned and hesitated before giving Jillian a little wave, which Jillian returned, trying not to cry at the sight of me with my tiny little girl in my arms.

“Hi Emma,” she said.

“Why are you crying?” Emma asked.

“Because you’re cute,” Jillian said with a laugh.

“Why?” she asked. I rolled my eyes. Ah yes, the infinite ‘why’ chain.

“Because you have Daddy’s eyes,” she said, and I raised my eyebrows, catching her glance at me.


“I’ll explain that later, sweetie,” I said quietly to Emma. Emma bit her lips a moment, then leaned in to whisper something into my ear. I beamed at Jillian, who was raising an eyebrow at us.

“She says you have ‘nice hairs,’” I translated.

“Daddy, that was a secret,” Emma protested, and I laughed as nodded for Jillian to follow me.

“Oops, sorry, honey. How about I make it up to you by taking us to the park?”

Emma’s eyes widened as if I’d just promised her, well, the best thing in the entire world.