Page 34 of Surrender

“We are not going down that road. You know what I do. You’ve known. This is the job. This is who I am. You wanted to know the details. These are the details. I’m not about to start a morality debate with you.”

“You don’t care?”

“No.” His lips pressed together. “I am paid well enough not to care.”

“How much?” I asked. “What’s the price to make you not give a shit?”

“Eight million,” he answered.

I swallowed. “Shit.”

“Yeah. It’s a lot of money. I sleep just fine.”

I couldn’t start another argument with him. This was the only time he had given me access to answers.

“So what’s your plan? Have lunch with Paul in the lab and swipe the formula? Is it that easy?”

“No. It’s more layered than that. But lunch is a start.”

I kept pressing. “Eloise said you’ve been hesitant. What did she mean by that?”

“I don’t want to talk about her. All right? It’s late. We should sleep.”

“No way. You said you’d tell me. I want to know.”

His hand ran over my stomach and eventually cupped my breast. I tried to ignore the zing that rang through my body, but I was still floating with sensation. He made a circle with his thumb, bringing my nipple to a hard point. I moaned.

“Stop trying to distract me,” I whispered.

“Isn’t this how you distracted me?” He lunged forward, rolling me on my back and pinning my wrists over my head.

I felt the fire flickering under my skin.

“You said you’d answer my questions,” I pleaded.

“I will.” His lips crushed mine with a heavy kiss. “Tomorrow.”

“No.” I shook my head. “Tonight.”

He continued to kiss my neck and throat. I twisted against the hold on my wrists, but he only held me tighter. His mouth met my nipple and inhaled it between his teeth. I rocked into him, wanting more.

“I think that’s enough information,” he growled, raising his head from my chest. “You know the target. You know why. You know the payout. Ok?”

I wiggled my hips back and forth as his hand spread my legs. “No. I want you to tell me everything. I have to know.” I could keep pedaling. I knew I could.

“Em,” he slid a finger between my velvet folds. “This is getting too dangerous.”

I bit my lip. “I’m not going to back down.”

“Good, baby. I’d be disappointed if you did.” I could see his devilish grin.

“Vaughn,” I let out a long moan as he slid a finger deep inside me. My eyes closed and for a second, I forgot what I was supposed to do other than let him take me under.

“You’re mine, Em. I don’t want to lose you because of Blackwing.”

I shook my head. “You won’t.”

I was sore and exhausted. Emotionally drained. Reeling from facts and lies. But there was still an ache inside me. An ache so deep I needed him again.