Page 5 of Surrender

“We always had a dog when I was growing up. Garrett and I used to fight over who Pickles would sleep with. Every night it was a knock down drag out fight.”

“You had a dog named Pickles?”

I laughed. “He was from Mount Olive. The place where they make pickles. We weren’t the most creative kids I guess.”

“You’re looking for a French Pickles?”

“I didn’t say that. The dogs everywhere made me think about it. What if you’re a cat person and I don’t even know?” I teased. At this point, what could shock me?

He shook his head. “I can say no, I’m not a cat person. It would definitely be a dog before a cat.”


He tucked the pen into his pocket. “Why don’t you pick out a dinner spot for us for tonight? I can make reservations. Say around nine?” he suggested.

I nodded, trying the coffee again. The locals drank it. Vaughn drank it. I should be able to figure this out.

“Do you have a favorite restaurant here?” I pressed. I wanted to know more about his real life now that the secrets had evaporated between us. At least they were supposed to be gone. We had tried to dissolve them one by one.

It was as if there was an entirely new layer to discover about him. I had to stop myself from going through everything I knew and asking him to sort out fact from fiction. I had to accept that what he told me now was the truth. He liked dogs. He could complete French crossword puzzles. He liked to snorkel. All of this was good information to have.

“This is your first night out. Wherever you want to go is fine with me.”

I twisted my lips together in disappointment. “I don’t really know where to start. I can look online for some recommendations I guess.”

“Sounds good. Maybe you can find some other things to do today.” He looked up at the waitress when she returned with the check.

“Merci, monsieur.” She waited while he handed her cash.


He rose from the table and I started to push back in my chair to follow him.

“No. You sit and enjoy the morning,” he directed.

“You’re leaving? Already?”

He nodded. “Headed to work.”

“Oh.” I felt my lungs deflate. My palms were instantly sticky. I knew this moment was coming. I just didn’t know how it would feel. It didn’t feel good. It didn’t feel right. How was I supposed to love him and let him walk into the darkness? Could I do it?

He leaned in to kiss me. “See you tonight.”

“But—” I opened my mouth to protest. I grabbed his forearm in the same place I had clung to him the night before when he slept.

“Kate,” he warned, using my latest alias.

I pressed my lips together. My eyes lowered and I let my hands fall to my side.

“Have a good day at work, Leo.” I gritted my teeth together.

“Thanks.” He winked as he pivoted, tucking the newspaper under his arm.

I hadn’t quite gotten my bearings yet, but watching Vaughn walk away on the sidewalk was enough to knock me off course. I pressed my hands into my knees. He would come back. I’d see him tonight. I couldn’t let myself think there was any other scenario than the two of us tangled together tonight after a late dinner.

I left the last few sips of coffee in the petite cup and reached for my purse. Everything I had was new, including the designer leather bag. Everything had appeared this morning. Vaughn didn’t react when I protested the expensive wardrobe. It was part of being Kate Walker, whoever she was.

I hugged the soft blue sweater to my chest as I started walking. November was chilly in Paris.