Page 78 of No Boundaries

Her eyes widened. “That’s in six days.”

I nodded. “It is. But I can’t wait.”

“You want to get married in the middle of playoffs while I’m pregnant?”

I tugged on the tie on her robe, letting it fall to the side. Her chest heaved with a giant breath. She was carrying my baby. I was in love with her. We were going to adopt Hunter together.

“Yes. Marry me.”

She nodded. “New Year’s Eve sounds perfect.” Her eyes closed as my hands explored the newness of her pregnant body. I growled with lust.

“Did you ever think we’d end up here?”

“No. Honestly never.” She moaned as I plucked at her sensitive nipples.

I wanted to shred that plaid robe from her and take her now. Love her like she deserved. Fill her with pleasure and joy. Give her the most incredible fucking Christmas of her life.

“Think he’ll notice if we’re gone a few more minutes?” I waggled my eyebrows.

She sighed. “Yes. Delayed gratification is going to have to be your aphrodisiac today,” she teased.

“It’s going to kill me,” I groaned.

She held up the rock on her hand. “We have time, right?”

“We do.”

“We are forever. Merry Christmas.” She leaned into me and I devoured her lips as if they were made from pure honey.

I don’t know how it happened. How a guy like me. A guy who had made every wrong decision at every turn. Ended up with this perfect woman. With a son. With a baby on the way. But I did. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to screw it up.


Bad Boy Boss

A Mafia Secret Baby Romance

Celia Kyle



I hadn't had one good night’s sleep since I had been locked up.

I heard the clanging on the outside of the bars that startled me out of my restless sleep. I never slept well in jail. I should've gotten over that by now, having been in here for four years, but I hadn't.

I closed my eyes again, trying to fall back into the illusion. Trying to get back to her.

She was so fucking beautiful.

There was no question about it—with her stunning dark hair and intoxicating hazel eyes, she was gorgeous. She had a unique l

ook about her, unlike any of the other girls that I had slept with. Large doe eyes, with an innocence that I hadn’t ever encountered before. Nobody around me was that innocent. We all had our deceptions. Lies we told people to get by. But not Vienna. But I guess that was why I wanted her so badly.

She was forbidden.

I remembered my father telling me that once. I wasn't allowed to mess with any of the women in the family. Not that she and I were blood relatives. We weren't even related. But her mother worked for my dad, and that made her a part of the family, which meant she was untouchable. But it didn't mean that I didn't think about her. Her small hips swaying as she walked away from me. The way she flirtatiously glanced over her shoulder. She knew exactly what she was doing to me. She just didn't care. But I did.