Page 63 of No Boundaries

I had fallen into an alternate universe or some shit. Not that I minded, especially if I got to keep spending my time cuddled up with Julie, but damn.

This was not Kane Hawkins. I didn’t do this family shit.

What the fuck was wrong with me?

I wasn’t the kind of guy who was tied down. And now all these damn emotions were trying to bubble up inside of me making my head spin. I closed my eyes and all I could see was Julie with her long silky soft legs wrapped around me and the perfect come-grab-me curve of her hips, begging for me pull her back up against me and bury myself inside of her over and over again.

I had a game I needed to think about. A kid who needed a dad. I shook my head. I was so far over the cliff I didn’t recognize myself. The craziest shit was that I liked it. I fucking loved it.

“So, Julie’s going to take you to the game with her dad, Judge Bristow. You’ll be up in the box again.”

I looked at my watch. I had to head to the stadium in twenty minutes.

“Ok.” Hunter stared at his empty plate.

I didn’t even ask. I piled another layer of waffles on the river of syrup he had made.

He grinned.

Julie appeared, wearing a Sharks jersey. Her tits bobbed from the deep V-cut. She looked fucking gorgeous. And I knew she was wearing that jersey for me. To make me proud. To cheer for my team. To support me on the field.

Knowing she would be in that box today, did something to me. I didn’t know how to explain it.

I set my coffee down and pulled her into my arms.

I whispered in her ear. “You make me want to get lost right now, baby.”

Her eyes darted to mine. “Me too,” she sighed.

I knew we had an audience. I made a little space between us, but kept my hand on her hip. I could barely tear my body away from her. It was as if there was some kind of magnet on her that pulled me in every time I was near her. It was fucking insane.

“I’ve got to get dressed.” The team dress code before games called for a suit. I hated wearing them, but as the QB I had the most press exposure.

“I thought you could wear your new Sharks sweatshirt,” she spoke to Hunter. “And maybe the new jeans?”


She looked at me. “I’ve got it covered here. We’ll see you after the game.”

“Thanks.” I kissed her on the forehead and walked to my bedroom. Well, now it was our bedroom. I hadn’t just invited her into my bed, I had invited her into every part of my life.

I pushed the door open when I heard her footsteps behind me.

“I know you’ve got the game on your mind, but I wanted to ask you something.”

“What’s going on?”

She chewed on her bottom lip. “I was wondering what you thought about buying a Christmas tree.”

My brow furrowed. “What?”

She exhaled. “Christmas is a few weeks away and you don’t have any decorations here. I can bring some over from my place. But, have you thought about giving Hunter a real family Christmas? The tree, stockings, presents, cookies? All that stuff?”

“Yeah, but I guess not enough. I’ve been preoccupied. I’ve got a game today, baby.”

“I know. I know. And I can take care of the tree if you’ll just say it’s ok to put one up here.”

Fuck. What kind of a hardass did she think I was? That I would deny a kid a tree? I wasn’t some kind of Grinch. I didn’t want Hunter to have the kind of thread-bare holidays I did. He deserved better.