Page 48 of No Boundaries

“The one and only,” she smiled.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. And thank you,” I whispered.

“Thank me?”

Everyone else was talking. They weren’t paying attention to our conversation. Hawk was arguing about a play.

“Hawk told me about what you’re doing to help get the paperwork going for Hunter. I don’t know what to say. I’ve been trying to adopt that little boy since I met him.”

Her eyes softened. “I get it. Totally. I have an adopted niece and nephew. What I don’t get is how this asshole got roped into it.” She laughed at Hawk. But I knew my eyes lit with something else.

“I think when you meet Hunter, you’ll get it too.”

“Probably.” She took a beer from the pile on the table. The guys liked to order several rounds at once.

“What’s the first step?” I asked.

She took a swig. “I haven’t had a chance to talk to Hawk about it, but he has a hearing at the end of the week. It’s with Judge Bristow.”

I choked on my drink. “Judge Bristow?”

“Yeah, do you know him or something?”

I nodded. “You could say that.”

“Spill it. Any advantage we could get would be welcome. I know how important this is to Hawk.”

“Judge Bristow is my dad.”

She blinked. “Wow. That is something.”

“Yeah, he’s in family court. What are the chances?” I hadn’t even begun to broach the topic of Kane Hawkins with Daddy. He loved the Sharks. He loved the players. But his daughter playing house with the QB was a different story. I hadn’t figured out how to break the news to him yet.

“Then you have to talk to him.”

I bit my lower lip. “If he could have helped me before, he would have. I could never get through the damn red tape.”

Savannah took a sip of beer. I tri

ed to ignore the fact that she was gorgeous and sophisticated, and could probably talk circles around me when it came to the AFA.

“This is different. Hawk has a hearing. Can’t you at least mention it to your dad?”

I had to try. I couldn’t let Hunter slip away again.

I nodded. “I will. I’ll talk to him tomorrow. I’ll do whatever I can.”

“Good. And we need you at the hearing.”


Hawk turned his head toward me. “What’s going on?”

Savannah grinned. “You’ve got a hearing this week and I think we just found out how all of this is going to happen. I asked Julie to be there.”

He winked at me. “You want to do that?”

“Of course.” I would have to tell him later about my dad. I had no way of knowing this would happen. My dad heard a hundred cases a week. How did the stars align like this? “It’s one of the rules, right?” I teased.