Page 2 of Dirty Summer 7

“You’ve got to try these shrimp,” Reid said, scooping three of them on Maggie’s plate. He was leading her through the seafood buffet line, pointing out favorite island dishes and heaping more food on his plate along the way. “Secret Strait family recipe.” He popped one in his mouth.

“Not so secret. You know your grandmother wasn’t shy about telling everyone her tricks of the trade.” A sweet Southern voice came up behind them, and Maggie spotted a trim woman a couple inches taller than her with a smart silver-blond bob.

“Well, here you are, sweetheart. We were wondering when you would get here, son.” She reached up and hugged the tall swimmer. Maggie watched as Reid leaned down and accepted a kiss on the cheek from this bubbly lady, who was apparently his mother.

“And you must be, Maggie,” the woman said, putting an arm around Maggie’s shoulder and taking her in for a half-hug. “So nice to meet you. I don’t want you to spill all that great food, or I would give you a proper hug.”

She knows my name? He must have been talking about me. This realization caused Maggie almost to drop her full plate, hug or not. She took a deep breath through her nose, knowing she’d only get one chance to make a good impression on Reid’s mom.

“Thanks so much for having me at the party. Your home is beautiful, and the food is amazing. Reid was telling me all about the island cooking,” Maggie replied.

“Well, there’s one thing my boy knows about and that’s good cooking.” She winked at Maggie. “You are in good hands there. You two enjoy yourselves.” She squeezed Reid’s arm. “I need to go check on the mini key lime pies. But, I’ll visit with you later.” The small, cheerful woman was off as fast as she had appeared.

“So that’s my mom,” Reid said, moving toward the hush puppies. “See? Not scary at all, right?”

“She seems sweet.” Maggie followed Reid toward the group of white tables set up to the right of the dance floor.

“Man, I’m ready to get this party started.” Josh approached as the couple sat down to eat.

“I’m with you, cuz. Just gotta finish this feast.” Reid dug into the heap of shrimp, clams, and flounder in front of him.

“Well, hurry up, man. The band can’t fire up until after toasts are made. It’s been a long day of lining up and being told what to do. I’m ready to crack a beer and dance with my girl.”

“Toasts?” Maggie asked, looking at Josh, who seemed to be growing more impatient with Reid by the minute.

“Yeah, Missy wanted most of the wedding toasts tonight instead of at the actual reception. No idea.” He shook his head. “I’m just taking orders these next couple days. And we can’t get started with the toasts without the best man.” He looked at Reid.

“Five minutes, cuz,” Reid said to Josh, who spotted Missy motioning from across the lawn. The younger cousin strode off toward his bride-to-be.

“You’re the best man?” Maggie squealed, dropping her fork and reaching for her plastic wineglass. “And you never mentioned this?”

“No big deal.” Reid speared another shrimp. “Josh’s like my kid brother. He’s always looked up to Justyn and me. I don’t mind.”

“That’s really sweet, Reid.” Maggie reached for his free hand. “Josh is lucky to have someone like you in his life.”

“Like I said, no big deal.” Reid stood and brushed the crumbs from his khaki pants. He pounded his beer for some liquid courage. Then the best man squeezed her hand and leaned down to plant a quick kiss on her head. “Sit tight, tiger. I’m going to get this thing over with. Then I’m getting you out on the dance floor.”

The bandleader tapped the microphone. “Ladies and gentleman, may I have your attention please?”

Maggie spotted Blair and Justyn headed from the bar area, and signaled for them to come sit with her.

“Hey, G.” Justyn winked.

“Isn’t this a great party?” Blair asked. “Now this is the kind of event we’ve been waiting all summer for. I had no idea this is where they grew up.” Her eyes were wide as they took in the waterfront property.

Maggie motioned for Blair to lean in closer. “Did you know Reid’s the best man?” she whispered in her friend’s ear.

Blair shook her head in surprise. Maggie heard a familiar voice boom through the sound system.

“On behalf of the whole Strait family, we wanted to welcome you to Josh and Missy’s party tonight.” Reid held the microphone in one hand and a Bud Light in the other. He didn’t seem nearly as at ease on the stage as Justyn did. “Josh tells me I have to give a toast to get this party kicked off right, and I’m not one to delay a good party.” He smiled, and Maggie looked around, seeing all the guests watching him, smiling back, and laughing along with the affable best man.

She shouldn’t have been so surprised that everyone seemed to adore him, too. Maggie heard the crowd laugh at another one of Reid’s jokes about growing up with Josh. He was so easy to talk to and always made her laugh. She’d just never seen him in a setting with so many people. She felt her heart swell with pride when she looked at him standing on the stage.

“So, I’ll go ahead and get to the point,” Reid said, seemingly ready to wrap up his brief speech. “Josh and Missy. I just want to say congratulations to you both. Missy, you are quite the girl. Any girl who can put my crazy cousin in his place is definitely one of a kind. And you, cuz. You hit the jackpot. Anyone can look at the two of you and tell that you are right for each other.” He cast his eyes at the couple who stood together to his right. “You’ve found something special, and when you come across a connection like that, you would be crazy to let it pass you by.” Reid’s gaze shifted back to the crowd, scanning until he locked eyes on Maggie.

She gasped for air and reached for Blair’s arm. Was he talking about them? Surely she was imagining that he was looking at her from the stage. Maybe this was the sign she’d been waiting for. She had to talk to him. She had to tell him everything. All these swirling feelings were about to make her jump out of her skin.

“To Josh and Missy!” The crowd’s cheer snapped her from her thoughts. Maggie robotically put her wineglass to her lips.