Page 8 of Dirty Summer 6

I’m goin’ to love you while the sun is hot and the waves are warm

So dance with me, baby, like tomorrow is September

We’ll always have the summer to remember

Baby, they say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Like birds flying south

Tourists leaving town

Before you go, give me one more night on the beach

So I can hold you in my arms and kiss you deep

They say summer love comes and goes

Comes and goes

Like birds fling south

Tourists leaving town

The meaning of the words started to sink into Blair’s head as he looked directly into her eyes. For a moment, it felt like he could see deep into her soul, but surely that couldn’t be? Did he mention their swing in the song, and their nights on the beach? It felt personal and intimate; Blair was unnerved.

No guy had ever sung her a song, much less written one that hit her from all sides.

“He’s really good.” Maggie broke Blair away from her thoughts of seduction. “Can you believe he wrote it?”

She shook her head. “I knew he played open mic nights. But this? I had no idea.”



One full set and an encore later, Justyn retired to the bar to enjoy a well-deserved beer.

“You were great tonight, man.” Josh slapped him on the back. “The ladies were loving it.”

“Thanks, cuz.” Justyn settled onto a bar stool and swigged the cool liquid. It had been an enthusiastic crowd. He got a kick out of performing among the familiar faces at the Dock House. Not one to seek fame, he just enjoyed music and sharing it every now and then with his friends.

“Awesome set.” Reid walked up to the bar. “I have your two newest fans here. I think they might want autographs.”

“Seriously, Reid? Enough with the fan boy stuff.” He saw Blair and Maggie approach from behind his tall cousin.

“You were amazing, Justyn,” Maggie exclaimed. “I remember Reid mentioning you played, but I had no clue it was this big a deal. And you can write!”

For some unexplainable reason, Blair seemed a tad tongue-tied and nodded her head in his direction.

“Come here, darlin’.” Justyn pulled her between his legs. “You look like you could use a drink.”

Reid shot his cousin a knowing look. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.” He chuckled. He placed three empty plastic cups on the bar. “Hey, I’m gonna go ahead and take Maggie back to the island. Our place. I’m assuming you can get this one home to the Buttons house safely?” He motioned toward Blair.

“Got it, man.” Justyn bumped fists with his coconspirator over Blair’s head and pulled her in a little closer.

“What do you say we have one drink and hit the road too?” he asked.