Page 5 of Dirty Summer 6

“I said I’m tired, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want you to stay.” Blair stepped off the swing. “Will you stay?”

Justyn shoved the keys into his pocket. “Yes. I want to stay.” He brushed her blond tresses from her shoulders so that her hair cascaded down her back.

Blair’s eyes closed from the contact. How could he do something so simple and small that made her whole body feel pulled into his space?

He looped his fingers through her hair. “But only on one condition.”

Her eyes fluttered open. “What’s that?” If he thought they were going to have some big talk, she would have to shut it down. Talking was not on the menu.

“No talking.” A mischievous grin spread across his face.

Blair laughed. “I can do that. Deal.”

“And it starts right now.” His mouth pressed against hers, willing her to part her lips for him. Blair wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss in the summer night turned into something primal.

The thing about words is that they can’t say everything. Blair knew then that she and Justyn were communicating on a whole other level. Two weeks, she thought. I can do this, and be with him for two more weeks. She bit at his bottom lip, and then sighed when he crashed his lips harder against hers. Kissing him was her favorite part of the summer.



Justyn didn’t know why she ran away at the marina and he didn’t know what brought her back home. What he did know was that he loved kissing her, loved how she felt in his hands, and he wasn’t going to let this night go to waste.

During the hour Blair was gone, he had debated chasing after her, calling her, or just giving up. Eventually, he decided he would wait at the Buttons homestead, and if she didn’t turn up in sixty minutes, he would canvas the island for h

er. He wasn’t worried about her safety—the island was as safe as any place could be—but he was worried about what had caused the sudden change in her demeanor. Yeah, she was hot tempered, but she wasn’t crazy. None of that mattered right now.

His hands gathered the edges of her tank top and tugged them over her head. She lifted her arms. Her eyes met his as the fabric slid against her stomach, over her breasts, and along her arms. He dropped the shirt on the porch. His tongue hungrily sought hers, needing to taste the sweetness of her mouth. The tighter he pulled her against him, the more he wanted her. Maybe it was because she wasn’t staying, and he was desperate to memorize everything about her. If he kissed her enough, he could burn the memories into his brain.

He smiled as Blair deposited his shirt next to hers. The porch was dark, but he had never intended for things to go this far outside. A kiss had turned into heat that neither one of them could turn away from. Justyn knew he would be lying if he didn’t admit that undressing Blair in the August night was the biggest turn on. If he had learned anything this summer, it was that Blair brought out his more adventurous side. He growled in her ear as he felt her hand slide inside his shorts. Going inside the house at this point didn’t make any sense, he argued. The bedroom was one flight of stairs away, and that was too damn far. He wanted her now.

While Blair wiggled out of her shorts, Justyn surveyed their surroundings. There wasn’t much light on the porch, but he eyed the pillows on the swing. Hell yeah. He grabbed Blair around the waist, lifted her, and positioned her until she was fastened around his hips. Without taking his mouth off hers, he carefully stepped back until he felt the edge of the swing hit the back of his leg. Her kisses had become more feverish, and he was doing everything he could to steady the building need he had for her.

With one hand, he unbuttoned his shorts and let them fall to the floorboards. Did she know what she was doing to him? He felt his whole body ache to possess her, to show her exactly what he could do for her. His fingers reached between her legs, sliding the lace on her panties to the side. She whimpered at the contact and bit her lip.

“Justyn, we’re going to fall.” He felt her grip tighten around his neck.

“Shhh, no talking.” He glanced down at the swing. It was plenty wide, almost like a swinging daybed. “I’ve got you,” he said as he steadied himself on the cushion where only minutes ago he and Blair had been at an emotional impasse.

He didn’t want to think about that; he just wanted to feel her, feel what she was doing to him.

He couldn’t take it anymore. The want he had for her took over.

He gripped her lower back and watched in awe as she arched away from him, thrusting her breasts forward and sliding down on top of him. The swing floated along the porch. Tomorrow didn’t matter. Justyn knew he would never forget how this moment felt. He held Blair as the swing carried them back and forth, slowly slicing through the hot August night.



“Hurry up, Blair,” Maggie called up the stairs. “Reid will be here in ten minutes. You know how punctual these island guys are.”

“Where are we going again, and why exactly am I tagging along?” Blair stood on the upstairs landing in a green strapless dress with a white towel wrapped around her head. “I don’t want to crash your love fest.”

“Please.” Maggie rolled her eyes. “Reid thought it would be fun to take us to the Dock House by land tonight. It’s too rough to take the boat out. He said the Fin Notes are playing again. Or was it some other band? I can’t remember. But it will be fun.”

“Reid, Reid, Reid.” Blair batted her eyelashes and giggled. “Seems like someone can’t think of anything else since all that hot boat sex.”

“Go dry your hair. Now.” Maggie surveyed herself in the downstairs mirror. “What is Justyn up to tonight anyway? Reid said he was busy.”