Page 5 of Dirty Summer 3

“Aw, we’re just getting started,” the islander said, twirling Maggie one more time. “Stick around.”

“Thanks, Henry, but I need to grab a drink of water and check on Blair. And I don’t want to hog you all night. The other ladies are missing ou

t.” She winked.

“It’s been a pleasure, darlin’,” he called.

“Pleasure’s all mine, Henry.” Maggie glanced over her shoulder as she climbed the steps onto the porch, and reached for the screen door that would lead her into the kitchen.

Whew, she felt like she was still spinning a bit. Maggie wasn’t sure if was the wine or the constant twirling. She resolved to make hunting down a bottle of water her top priority.

“There you are, sweetie!” Shirley grabbed her into a bear hug. “Was my honey holding you hostage out on the dance floor? That man has two left feet, but he thinks he belongs on Dancing with the Stars. Lord, help him.”

Maggie giggled and shook her head.

“I had a blast, Shirley,” she assured her hostess. “It’s a little wild at times out there, but Henry is a great dance partner. He definitely keeps you on your toes, if you know what I mean.”

“Don’t I ever, sweetheart? After being married to him almost twenty years, you see why I stay in here and keep people full of food and drinks while he’s out there with the music,” Shirley said, ushering Maggie into the kitchen. “Speaking of drinks, what can I offer you? I’ve got plenty of wine, and JoBeth over there is about to mix up another batch of Harkers Island margaritas.”

“Right now, I’d really love a water,” Maggie said. “You know, to catch my second wind. I’ll take you up on one of those margaritas in a little while.”

“Coming right up,” Shirley said, and then spun around. “Reid! Make yourself useful and fetch one of those bottled waters out of the fridge for our sweet Maggie here.”

There he was, leaning on the counter beside the refrigerator. Reid had a clear view of the margarita making in the center island, and the group of people gathered at Shirley’s bar enjoying the smorgasbord of hors d’oeuvres. Maggie had been so distracted with Shirley’s gripping hug and the subsequent dancing discussion that she hadn’t even bothered to take note of her surroundings.

She sucked in a breath as she took in the tall frame that had been dominating her thoughts all day. He was wearing a blue oxford shirt, but it was years old—faded and loose fitting. The sleeves were casually rolled up, showing his tan forearms. His dark hair was a tad rumpled by the wind but incredibly sexy as usual.

“Here you go.” He held out a cool bottle to her.

“Thanks,” she managed, looking up into those brown eyes that she’d last got lost in last night. Was it last night she’d kissed him? It almost felt like it had been a few minutes ago. Her face grew warm.

“Having fun?” he asked.

“Oh yes! I haven’t danced like that since I was a kid. I don’t care what Shirley says. Henry is a doll. Never a dull moment out there,” she said, nodding toward the back porch.

“That’s for sure. He sure had you spinning all over the place,” Reid said.

“You were watching?” Maggie asked.

“Had to go out a couple times to grab a beer.”

“Oh.” Maggie took another sip of water. Uh-oh. This is so not going well. “So what did you do today?” she tried to break the ice again. “It was another perfect summer day.”

“Worked on the boats with Justyn,” Reid replied.

Ok. Maybe I should try another tactic.

Maggie ran her right hand through her hair, and looked up at Reid again, this time blatantly fluttering her eyelashes. She softly touched his wrist with her left hand.

“I had a really good time last night,” she said, taking a step closer to the handsome sailor. “Thanks again for taking me to the lighthouse and making sure I got to the top safely. It was amazing. Maybe we could do it again sometime?”

“Yeah, it was a pretty fun time,” he offered. “But you know, I’m going to be really busy the rest of this summer with the boats. We’ve got to finish the next orders, and there’s a meeting with the investors.”

“Sure, I understand. I know you’re busy. I just thought—”

Reid cut her off. “Look, we can still be buddies and all, but I don’t know how much time there will be for any more late night cruises and the like.”

Hurt like she had been unexpectedly bitten by a previously sweet, lovable puppy, Maggie pulled her hand from Reid’s arm.