Page 8 of Dirty Summer 3

“Where did they go?’’ Blair’s voice traveled through the night air. “Maybe we should cruise without them?”

“I don’t see ‘em,’’ Justyn offered, walking closer. “But they’ve got to be nearby. Reid said he was going out to get a beer.”

Maggie froze. Blair and Justyn were less than ten feet away. She was on the ground with her dress hiked above her waist and her silk panties in a most embarrassing position. Maggie clutched Reid’s shirt and shot him a look of panic.

“I’ll take care of this,’’ he whispered in her ear. He rolled off her and stood. “Cuz, Blair, what’s going on?’’

Maggie couldn’t believe what was happening. Surely, Justyn and Blair could see her on the ground, curled up like a complete idiot. She felt herself blush in the dark, as she repositioned her clothes.

“What’cha doing out here, man?’’ Justyn said as Reid walked toward the house. “Blair’s trying to convince me to take her on another cruise. I didn’t want to leave you and Maggie behind if you’d like to go.”

“I was taking a turn in the hammock,’’ Reid said, walking Justyn and Blair away from the swing and toward Justyn’s monstrous white truck.

“Where is Maggie?’’ Blair’s voice sounded farther away now. “I thought she might be with you. Judging by the last time I saw her, I’m not sure if she’d be up for bouncing around in a boat, but Justyn didn’t want to break up the foursome.’’

“I saw her heading to the pier when I came out,’’ Reid said. “I think there’s a group down there. If y’all want to go cruise, I’ll make sure she gets home safely.’’

“Sure you will.’’ Justyn slapped his cousin on the back. “I guess that’s what Blair’s afraid of.’’

“She’s in good hands,” Reid said to Blair. “Now, y’all go have a good time.’’

Maggie was astounded with the last ten minutes. She pulled herself to her feet and brushed the dirt from her knees. Justyn, Blair, and Reid had disappeared around the corner of the house. Maggie turned toward the water and felt the salty wind tickle her face. She headed to the pier, where she was supposed to have been all along.



Maggie hugged her knees to her chest and peered across the dark sound. She could see a few faint lights on sailboats anchored afar in what the night disguised as a vast distance. She realized that, in the daylight, the boats really were just a few miles away. She squeezed her eyes shut, and at the same time, tried to block out the last few minutes of her life. Reid’s kisses had been enough to set her on fire for days. She absently ran her forefinger across her swollen lips, shuddering with embarrassment that they’d almost been caught. At the same time, an anxious feeling began to form in the pit of her stomach when she thought of what might have happened if Justyn and Blair hadn’t walked up.

She rocked back, laid her body on the wooden pier, and looked up at the stars again.

“Who needs you, stupid twinkly stars, anyway?’’ she said under her breath.

“I do. Every day of my life, sweetheart,’’ Reid called into the darkness.

Maggie felt soft vibrations through the rickety old wood as Reid made his way to the end of the dock. He lounged beside her, staring up at the island night.

“I took care of everything back there,’’ he said. “Don’t think they suspected a thing.’’

Reid shifted, took her in his arms, and propped her head against his chest. They were just as they had been a few minutes ago in the hammock. She started to protest, but instead took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and drank in his smell of mint shaving cream, wood shavings, and salt. It felt so comfortable, and right to be engulfed in these strong arms.

“Maggie, you ok?’’ Reid asked, stroking her hair.

“Mmm,’’ was all she could offer. Somehow, the words wouldn’t form. Just don’t let go of me, Maggie thought as the stars blurred, and her world tilted on its axis.

Between the place of wake and sleep, where dreams seem more real and bizarre, Maggie struggled with something that made her face itch. It was sticky and sweaty, and there was an annoying ache in her neck. Was the thing that made her itch also making her hurt? Slowly, she fought off the heaviness of sleep and opened her eyes to a dewy, gray morning. Oh! She glanced up as the memories of last night hit her like the ocean’s waves against the shore. The sharp pain in her temple began to throb.

In spite of her mounting headache and the cramp in her neck, she smiled. Reid was peacefully sleeping under her. She remembered kissing him on the ground under the hammock when Blair and Justyn walked by. Looking back, Maggie realized she was drunker than she thought.

She shook her head and removed herself from Reid’s embrace. It was too early to think deep thoughts. It must not even be six yet. The sun was barely peeking over the banks, and the first shrimpers were trawling the channel. It would have been a beautiful sight to savor if her head didn’t hurt so badly. Visions of the comfortable sleigh bed and soft down quilt back in her room filled her thoughts. If she could get a few more hours of real sleep, maybe she could sort through last night. Why do guys have to be so complicated?

“Reid,’’ she whispered. “Reid.’’ She shook his right shoulder. “Reid, wake up.’’

He mu

mbled and let out a breath, but didn’t open his eyes.

Maggie put her lips to his cheek then said in his ear, “Reid, wake up. We need to go home.’’