I loved her answering giggle. "Death from lack of sex? I don't think so."

I raised an eyebrow. "It's a thing, I'm sure. We shouldn't risk it. I wouldn't want it on your conscience." I eyed her carefully. Maybe I'd been misreading the signs? "Unless you don't want to go. We don't have to do anything you're not ready for."

Her brow arched back at me. "Your concern for my conscience is noted and appreciated." She rubbed her soft tits against my hard chest, and bingo! Immediate reaction. She raised on her toes and kissed me, then stepped back. "Just wanted to make sure everything was in working order, since, you know, you're near death and all that. Because I'd hate to get up there and find out you can't live up to all your talk."

Oh, I enjoyed this saucy side of her! I stretched my arm out to capture her around the waist and pulled her tight. "Everything is in perfect working order." I lifted and set her down onto the back of the couch and pushed her knees aside, inserting myself between her legs. The bulge behind my zipper was in perfect alignment with her pussy. So much for my rules. But then, I'd thrown them all out the window for her. "And you're going to find out just how perfect we are together."

And she would. Because we were.

As I pulled into her complex, I saw she was already outside, sitting on a low brick wall with her face tipped upward like a beautiful flower soaking up the sunlight.

Damn, she was gor


When she noticed my car, she smiled as bright as the sun she was absorbing and jumped up. A small suitcase sat at her feet, which she grabbed before I could get out of the car.

"Here, I'll get that for you," I said, taking it from her hand. One suitcase. Wow! She was so different from the high maintenance women from my past.

"Actually, if you wouldn't mind grabbing that bag, that would be great. Just be careful with it."

Another bag? Oh, well. Guess you couldn't win the lottery every time.

I leaned over the wall expecting to find a suitcase. Instead, I found a dark green reusable grocery bag from a local grocery store. Puzzled, I grabbed the handles and turned back to find her grinning mischievously. "What's in here?"

"You've been trying to take care of me all week. I wanted to do something special for you, so I'm bringing the ingredients to make you dinner."

Seconds passed while I stood there speechless. All the women I'd spent time with looked to me to take them out and treat them like a queen. In fact, it was like an expectation. I'm not sure any of them even know how to turn on a stove.

Her smile faltered. "I mean, if you don't want me to cook, that's fine. Maybe you already had other plans, and I'm ruining them. All of this can keep for another time. It's not a big deal. In fact, here, let me take that, and I'll put it—"

I held the bag out of her reach when she tried to take it. I heard something that sounded like glass bowls clinking as the bag swayed. "No, you're not ruining anything. Quite the opposite." She still looked uncertain. "It'll be perfect. Thank you for thinking of it."

"Are you sure?"

"I can't think of anything better than having you all to myself, but a homecooked dinner will be a real treat." I swatted her backside playfully, causing her to jump, but also a gleam to form in her eyes. "Now scoot. Let's go before I decide to stay here and have you for dinner." I gnashed my teeth at her making her laugh, but she hurried into the passenger side while I appreciated the way her jeans showed off her ass.

Despite the playfulness in front of her apartment, the ride up the mountain was quiet, just idle conversation about our workday. The energy, however, was vibrating at maximum intensity. My nerves were wound tight with anticipation of finally having Grace. It was going to be all I could do to hold on to any sense of civility and allow her to take in the cabin and its spectacular view when my very primal sense urged me to take her straight to bed and never let her up, not even for the dinner she wanted to cook.

As for Grace, it was harder to read her. She'd never lost her smile, but her hands were clasped tightly in her lap, and her teeth constantly abused her lower lip. While I felt I was moving like molasses in January, maybe I’d read her wrong. Maybe this was still too fast for her.

I reached over and plucked one of her hands from her lap and threaded our fingers together. "We don't have to do anything you don't want, you know. I'm glad just to have you to myself without any outside distractions." I kissed the back of her hand and rested our entwined hands on my thigh. I could feel her warmth through my jeans, and that little bit of touch was enough to make my dick sit up and take notice.

She rested her head against the seat and rolled it to look at me. "I know. I want to be here with you. I've looked forward to it ever since you suggested it. I guess I'm a little nervous now that it's here."

I frowned. "Of me? Don't be."

"It's hard not to be."


"Well, um, because you're, um, I mean, I'm..." Her free hand fluttered in front of her as she turned bright pink. "I'm-not-as-experienced-as-you-are-and-I-don't-want-you-to-be-disappointed." Her words came out so fast my mind was still trying to separate and process them a full five seconds after she finished. Five seconds that must have felt like an eternity to her given the shamed look she now wore.

I swung into a scenic view pull-off that almost miraculously appeared around the next bend. She tried to pull her hand from mine, but I held firm.

"I'd think it should be obvious to you that we have good chemistry. There's no way you would ever disappoint me, not sexually and not you as a person."

She took a deep breath and swiveled to face me. Her shoulders squared, and she looked me head on. "As you can imagine, I was raised to have pretty high standards about relationships. Not just because of an overdose of morals, but because my parents' marriage is everything I want someday. It's real, you know? They're not all prim and proper like some people would like to believe. They're always touching and kissing, at least at home. No kid wants to think about what happens behind the closed bedroom door, but I've seen my dad get this look on his face, and he'll whisper in my mom's ear and she'll blush and the next thing you know, they're kissing. We all learned as kids to leave them alone on Saturday mornings, so they could sleep in, but I'm pretty sure they weren't actually sleeping."