He caught her gaze and lifted a brow. “Have I sprouted horns, or broken out in purple spots?”

“Are you fishing for compliments?” Caro let her eyes slide down his chest and follow the wispy trail of golden hair leading lower and lower.

A breathtaking sight, indeed. He was a rampantly masculine man, all lithe muscle and sleek sinew.

“I would rather fish for breakfast,” replied Alec dryly. “But the nearest lake is some distance away, so we will have to content ourselves with a spot of tea until we return to the inn.” He fetched the rain-filled pot from outside the entrance. “I’m famished. What about you?”

“Actually, I’m quite content feasting my eyes on your magnificent body,” she answered.

His grin made her insides lurch. “I am trying to remind myself that I am a gentleman, not a wolf. It is exceedingly hard, for my beastly urges are to devour you, morsel by lovely morsel.”

Her skin began to tingle all over.

“But I shall restrain myself.” The wood began to blaze, the flames catching the clench of concern on his face. “You’ve been through a hellish ordeal. You need sustenance, a hot bath, warm clothes.”


“No arguments.” He passed her a mug of steaming tea. “Drink this, then we will be off. The sooner I get you back to the inn, the better.”

“Are you always this tyrannical in the morning?” The hot liquid did, however, taste ambrosial. She took another long grateful gulp and exhaled a contented sigh.

He waggled a brow. “My tyranny seems to be going down rather smoothly.”

She passed him the cup to finish. “I daresay there are some rough edges, but we shall work on chipping them off later.” She smiled. “I seem to have lost my hammer and chisel.”

Alec’s eyes lit with laughter. “I’ve warned you that Scottish flint has a great many sharp edges. You may have your work cut out for you.”

“I’ll take my chances.”

“Brave girl.” Alec pulled her close and held her for a long moment. “How are you bearing up? It makes my blood run cold to think of you with that monster.”

“I am fine. Truly.” Caro expelled a rueful sigh. “I have been yearning for years to experience an Exceedingly Exciting Adventure. And now it seems I have finally gotten my wish.”


“And…” For an instant, her breath caught in her throat as a glimmer of light played through the red-gold strands of his tangled hair. “I hope I shall have lots more. However, just like the heroine in Anna’s novels, I shall find it very nice to always have a swashbuckling storybook hero to rescue me if I stray into trouble.”

“I shall be happy to play my part,” replied Alec. “But for now, let us pen ‘the end’ to this adventure.” A smile curled at the corners of his mouth. “And tomorrow we will turn the page and start a new one.”

The End… The Beginning.

“I have a feeling that Life will be endlessly exciting,” she murmured. “Especially with you by my side.”

“Always,” he murmured. “Always.”

Forever and ever. It had a lovely ring to it.

Caro wrapped her arms around Alec and let out a fluttery sigh. “That’s worthy of an ode.”

He laughed. “I was rather thinking it was worthy of a kiss.”

She looked up and their eyes met. “That too,” she murmured as his lips touched hers. “For at the moment, I’m not thinking of fancy words or rhyming meter.”

A burst of fire-bright sparks lit in her heart.

“I’m just thinking of you.”

Alec framed her face between his palms and held her with his gaze for a long moment. When he spoke, his voice was edged with humor, and yet a smoldering heat seemed to glitter beneath his lashes. A possessive look that said You. Are. Mine.