Fury quickened his steps.

“Strathcona,” drawled Thayer, looking around from Caro’s face. “You appear to have strayed into the wrong party. This gathering is a masquerade and you are not sporting a—”

Alec seized the man’s fancy cravat, squeezing off the rest of his words. “It’s not me who has made a mistake.”

“Milord!” Caro clutched at his coat and tried to come between them. A flare of warning flashed amidst the fluttering silk of her mask. “Have you taken leave of your senses?”

Quite likely. Lifting Thayer off the ground, he shook him—hard enough to rattle teeth, he hoped.

“Milord!” cried Caro again, catching hold of his arm as he cocked back a fist. “No!”

Expelling a grunt, he reluctantly released his enemy. “I don’t like seeing my sister or her friend accosted.”

“It seems you’ve spent too long in the wild moors and mountains of our homeland, Strathcona, for your manners have become those of a savage.” Thayer smiled as he smoothed at the folds of linen around his throat, but there was a malevolent glint in his eyes. “I was merely having a polite conversation with your sister and Miss Caro.”

“Th-that’s right, sir,” she said softly. “Please calm yourself. There’s no cause for anger.”

Her voice held a veiled warning, and now that the first blaze of blind fury had died down, Alec belatedly cursed himself for giving too much away. Thayer had an uncanny knack for sensing a person’s weakness and then striking hard and without mercy.

“Thank you for rushing to my defense, Miss Caro, before your Highland hero turned violent.” A sneer. “But then, he has a history of that.”

Innuendo and lies. Thayer could poison with his tongue as well as his fangs. Thank God Caro knew the truth.

Her cringe was convincing enough to give him a twinge of doubt, but as she backed away toward the path, she mouthed the word “later” before looking around to Thayer.

“I am sure it would not have come to that. A mere misunderstanding, that’s all,” she said. “And now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I had better rejoin my escort, Lord Andover, and Miss Urquehart.”

“But of course,” replied Thayer. “My apologies that our conversation was cut short by such unpleasantness. I trust you will allow me to make up for it in the near future.”

“I—I shall look forward to it.” Caro dipped a quick nod and then hurried off.

“I do believe you have frightened the young lady with your temper,” said Thayer, as he watched her go.

“Yes, well…” Al

ec swung around slowly and riveting his gaze on the black swath of fabric that hid the other man’s eyes. “I can be a very frightening fellow when I so choose.”

“Ooooo.” Thayer exaggerated a mock shiver. “The thing is, McClellan,” he added in a soft whisper, “I’m not afraid of you.”

Alec bared his teeth—and not in a smile. “Oh, but you should be, Thayer. You should be.”

“Might I ask what was that all about?” inquired Andover as he offered Caro a glass of champagne. “Had I known there was a kerfuffle, I would have interceded.”

“I am not sure,” she fibbed. “It would seem there is bad blood between Lord Strathcona and Mr. Thayer. I simply was caught in the middle.”

“My brother does not like Thayer,” offered Isobel. “I don’t know the reason, but Alec is not one to hold petty grudges, so I am assuming it is over something serious. He prefers that I have nothing to do with the man, but Thayer seems insistent on being friendly.”

“The fellow ought to be gentlemanly enough to respect those wishes,” murmured Andover. “He ought not impose his company on—”

“There was no harm done,” interrupted Caro. “But you are right in suggesting that we should try to avoid fanning the flames of the feud. Isobel and I shall be more careful about finding ourselves in his company.”

“Indeed,” agreed Isobel. “And in truth I shall be happy to do so. There is something about him that makes me uncomfortable.”

“Now that I am aware of that, I will be on guard as well,” said Andover quietly.

Caro allowed an inward smile at his tone. It appeared that Andover’s concern might be more than brotherly. But regardless of the reasons, that Isobel had acquired another protector was all for the good.

“I do hope Alec won’t do anything rash.” Isobel darted a look at her. “I’ve never seen such a murderous look blaze in his eyes.”