He shook his head. “The risk of an unwanted encounter is greater than if we chance the main stairs.”

Taking her hand, he darted across the foyer and started up the carpeted treads. “The maids have been given the day off, but if we’re spotted by the housekeeper, we’ll just have to brazen it out.”

Brazen. A behavior that seemed to come naturally to her.

Caro kept her eyes averted from his bare chest and the intriguing golden curls glinting against his sun-bronzed skin. “As you know well, sir, that won’t present any problem for me.”

A hint of a smile quirked at the left corner of his mouth, softening the hard-edged planes of his face.

Her heart, which was still thumping hard against her ribs, ratcheted up another notch.

“For which I am profoundly grateful,” he replied. “We don’t want to kick up a dust that might alert Thayer to our presence.”

As they came to the top of the landing, Alec pressed a finger to his lips indicating no more talking. Crouching low, he peered through the balusters, and after studying the three arched entryways for a long moment, he indicated the one on the left.

Caro knew from earlier visits with Isobel that through it lay his set of rooms.

A stillness hung heavy in the corridor. She felt a shiver skate down her spine as she tiptoed through the shadows. Alec was moving slowly, slowly… and then suddenly came to a stop.

Peeking over his shoulder, she saw it too—a small sliver of light on the Oriental runner indicating that one of the doors was slightly ajar.

A warning touch reminded her of the need for absolute silence.

She held her breath, hoping it might help control her pounding heart. Each beat seemed to be echoing loud as cannonfire off the walls.

Alec inched forward.

Caro followed.

Through the gap between the molding and the door, she caught sight of Thayer hunched over the desk in the sitting room. He had the bottom drawer open, and after rummaging through the contents, he took a small sack from his coat pocket and stashed it inside.

Whatever he did next was lost in a blur as Alec quickly retreated, pulling her along with him. Easing open the door of the adjoining suite, he hustled her inside and drew it shut.

A few moments later, she heard a latch click and hurried footsteps rush past their hiding place.

“What do you think that was all about?” she whispered, once the sounds had faded away.

“We shall soon see,” replied Alec. He waited a few more moments before leading the way back to his own rooms and kneeling down by the desk.

The sack had been shoved to the back of the drawer and covered with several ledgers. After fishing it free, he untied the cords and shook out the contents onto the blotter.

“Ye gods.” Caro’s eyes widened at the flashes of gold glittering against the dark leather.

“Ye gods, indeed,” said Alec through his teeth. He picked up the object and subjected it to a careful examination.

“Have you any idea—” she began.

“Yes,” he said curtly. “Having just yesterday accompanied Isobel and my aunt to the Antiquities Museum, I recognize it as the Hadrian Eagle, a very rare and very valuable ancient artifact from the days of the Roman occupation of Britain. It is—or rather, it was—the most important item they had on display there.”

“But why?” she mused.

“Oh, come, Miss Caro. Surely you’ve read enough novels to follow the plot.”

“Yes, yes, it’s clear he wants to frame you for its theft.” She frowned. “But again I ask why?”

“Pure malice is one reason,” responded Alec. “Thayer is a thoroughly dirty dish. As for the other reason, I have not yet put together all the pieces of the puzzle.”

“But you think it has something to do with the attack on Isobel and me,” she asked.