Without, noted Caro, so much as offering his arm or a backward glance.

“So much for dreaming of dashing heroes,” she muttered under her breath, then shook out her skirts and hurried to catch up.

They weren’t much more than a mile from town, and as none of them seemed to be much in the mood for chatting, the short trip was passed in silence, save for the steady clip-clop of the stallion’s hooves. Alec chose a roundabout route through the side streets of Bath, arriving in the mews of his family’s rented townhouse without encountering anyone.

“Thank God we are here,” murmured Alec as he lifted Isobel from the saddle. “It seems the chances are good that we have given no grist for the gossip mills.”

“All’s well that ends well,” quipped his sister. “And you may put me down,” she added quickly when he turned with her still in his arms. “I am perfectly capable of walking from here to the door.”

He hesitated, which earned him another gentle rebuke. “Truly, Alec. I do not wish to be treated like an invalid.”

“Very well.” He relented and set her on her feet. “Still, you must promise me you will not overexert yourself.”

“On the contrary, exercise is very beneficial in building my stamina,” she countered.

As long as future walks don’t include attacks by a pack of ruffians, thought Caro, watching her friend prove her point by walking briskly across the small courtyard.

Which once again raised the question…

Her gaze slid to Alec. During the walk she had decided the desperate soldier story did not fadge. And it was highly doubtful that Isobel had any enemies who might be moved to violence. But as for her brother, Caro was aware that he was involved in some very dangerous activities in Scotland.

Alec seemed to sense what she was thinking, for instead of following his sister, he shifted his stance and cleared his throat with a brusque cough. “I suppose that look means you aren’t going to be satisfied with the earlier explanation for this evening’s incident,” he muttered.

“Should I be?” she countered.

He let out a sigh. Or maybe it was more of a snort.

“Soldiers may be desperate. But not that desperate,” continued Caro. “So considering that I have—however unwittingly and unwillingly—been drawn into this intrigue, I do think I have a right to know what dangers I may be facing.”

“None,” he said quickly. “That is, there won’t be any as soon as I take care of a few matters.”

She noted that he avoided meeting her gaze. “I can’t say that’s entirely reassuring.” A pause. “You forget that I saw some of your radical friends stealing an arsenal of weapons from Dunbar Castle. I’m well aware of what dangerous circles you move in, Lord Strathcona.”

“As you eavesdropped on our meeting, Miss Caro, you should know that they are not my friends,” he retorted.

“Let’s not quibble over words,” she huffed. “The fact is, you are involved in a secret political society seeking independence for Scotland. And yo

ur fellow members, be they friends or otherwise, are not afraid to use violence to achieve their ends.”

He didn’t argue.

“So whether you like it or not, I feel I have a right to know what is going on.” She drew a deep breath. “Especially if you wish me to keep silent on the matter.”

“That,” he growled, “is blackmail.”

“I prefer to think of it as persuasion. I am merely pointing out a sensible course of action.”

His jaw tightened.

“Alec!” Isobel’s call interrupted their exchange. “Don’t be so rag-mannered as to keep Caro standing in the chill. She, too, is tired and hungry.”

“We are coming,” he called to her. Offering his arm to Caro—rather ungallantly, she thought—he added, “I would rather not upset my sister’s delicate sensibilities with talk of this. I must leave town at first light for a few days on a matter that cannot be put off—”

Caro opened her mouth to protest.

“However,” he went on, “as soon as I return, I shall meet with you and explain the situation more fully.”

It was Caro’s opinion that Isobel was not as delicate in spirit as Alec seemed to think. But as the friendship was so new, she did not feel it was her place to say so.