Alec didn’t wait for a reply. Taking her hand, he placed it on the interwoven yew branches leaves. “Keep touching the left side of the hedge and it will lead you out of the maze.”

With that, he turned and disappeared into the shadows.

Chapter Ten

The candleflames swayed in the soft, jasmine-scented breeze wafting in from the open windows of the Assembly Room. Music serenaded the trilling laughter and the clinking cups of claret punch, adding an extra note of gaiety to the cheerful chatter of the crowd.

Caro stood alone in one of the alcoves, trying to lift her spirits to match the mood of the evening. The afternoon had left her unsettled.

A poet must suffer doubts and uncertainty for the sake of art, she told herself.

So maybe I should consign art to Satan, since the cloven-hoofed demon seems bent on bedeviling me with emotions and desires that defy description.

Ha! A fine poet she was if she couldn’t find words to express her feelings.

“Such beauty shouldn’t be hiding under a bush.” Thayer pushed aside a handful of palm fronds. “So I’ve come to lead you out to the center of the dance floor, where I shall bask in your reflected brilliance under the glittering lights of the chandeliers. Though in truth, the candles will look dim in comparison.”

She pinched a polite smile, though the effusive comment rubbed a little raw. It wasn’t his fault. Men were expected to mouth such flatteries, and women were expected to appreciate them. That way, Society sailed along smoothly on unrippled waters.

God forbid that unconventionality stirred up any waves.

“You look a little pensive,” he murmured, coming to stand beside her. “Would you rather forego capering across the dance floor?”

That he sensed her mood chased away her irritation. Not many men, she mused, would have noticed. “I confess that I would,” she replied quietly. “That is, if you don’t mind.”

“Not at all.” He blew out a sigh. “If you must know, I find it a trifle fatiguing to constantly be dancing through all the proper steps of social convention.”

The fluttering blur of leaves and shadows seemed to mirror her own uncertainties. Perhaps she had misjudged him after all. As Alec had said himself, things were rarely black or white.

“So I am quite happy to just stay here and talk.” He made a wry face. “That is, if you don’t mind.”

This time, her answering smile was unforced. “I should like that very much,” she answered sincerely.

“Do you find the quiet pace of Bath a welcome change from the gaiety of London?” he asked after a fraction of a pause.

It was a solid, sensible question, and for the next little while they compared the differences between a large, bustling city and a quiet spa town.

“Good heavens, it sounds as if you danced until dawn every night of the week,” said Thayer, in response to her description of the past Season in London. “No wonder you welcome a respite from the social whirl.”

“Surely Glasgow has its own glittering array of parties and balls,” replied Caro.

“It does,” he said softly. “But I…” Thayer cleared his throat. “To be honest, I avoid attending many of them. It is a world aswirl in falsehoods and flatteries that can lead to trouble if one is not very careful. I find that a little dangerous.”

How true.

“Yes,” agreed Caro. “I know what you mean. One must be on guard against those whose intentions are not always honorable.”

“Speaking of being on guard…” He hesitated, tactfully waiting for her permission to go on.

She gave a small nod.

“I can’t help but notice that you are spending time with Lord Strathcona,” he said.

“Yes,” answered Caro warily, keeping in mind the words she had just uttered.

“Might I ask how well you know him?”

Her mouth gave an involuntary quirk. “A good question.” She thought for a moment before adding, “Strathcona is a very private man. He does not share a great deal about himself.”