“Contrary to what you might think, I am not always deliberately sharp, Miss Caro,” he replied.

An oblique apology?

She wasn’t certain.

“I don’t…” Alec began, then paused for a brief moment as his gaze drifted down a notch and then up again. “I don’t think that I have yet commented on your gown.”

“No, you have not,” agreed Caro. “I would remember.”

That earned another twitch of his lips. “You look… well.”

Well, well, well, thought Caro wryly. It was not the most scintillating of compliments, however she wasn’t going to quibble.

“Why, thank you, sir,” she murmured.

“The color is unusual. It suits you… well.”

Good Heavens, the man was becoming positively chatty.

Clasping his hands behind his back, Alec shifted his stance and returned to his silent contemplation of the room.

Tapping her foot lightly in time with the music, Caro shifted her own attention to the capering couples. The steps of the cotillion soon brought Isobel and Andover close, and she couldn’t help but notice that Alec’s sister moved her lips and waggled a discreet hand signal at her brother.

He expelled a martyred sigh.

“I take it she is telling you something,” said Caro. “My sisters and I have the same sort of private communication.”

Alec gave a gruff nod. Whatever the message, he didn’t seem too happy about it.

“I hope she is not finding the event too taxing on her strength. The noise and the heat might be a little overwhelming.”

“No, she seems to be enjoying herself immensely.”

“It’s clear you are a solicitous brother, so I would think that would bring a smile, rather than a frown to your face.”

Another spasm of surprise. “I didn’t realize I was frowning.”

“You frown quite often. It is very intimidating.”

That provoked a smile. “Not to you.”

Yes, to me, she thought.

He hesitated, then added, “It was kind of you to have Lord Andover ask my sister to dance.” Another pause. “However, I hope you are not regretting being separated from your suitor for such an interminable duration. The cotillion is a very long dance.”

“Oh, Good Heavens, Andy is not my suitor,” exclaimed Caro. “He was one of Anna’s.” She repressed a sigh as she recalled the pressure Anna had felt to marry well in order to keep the family from sinking into genteel poverty. “In fact, Mama had high hopes that he would offer for her.”

“Why didn’t he?”

“Oh, actually he did, though Mama has no knowledge of that private event. Anna turned him down, gently, but firmly.”

“For what reason?” asked Alec, watching the other man lead his laughing sister through a skipping turn. “He seems a solid enough fellow.”

“Oh, he is. More than solid, in fact,” she replied. “As to the reason, Anna did not say it herself, but Davenport…” Beneath his devil-may-care manner, the gentleman her sister did marry was an astute observer of human nature. “Davenport is of the opinion that he is too nice to stand up to a lady of Anna’s strong-willed temperament. He would have put her on a pedestal, and she would not have liked it one whit.”

Alec looked thoughtful.

Caro allowed a tiny smile. “In truth, Anna thinks Andy was secretly relieved, and I agree. I am of the opinion that he will be happier with someone else.”