“Your wound,” she said. She could see that the doctor’s stitches had been removed, leaving a reddened scar that would, she hoped, fade, although Max’s wild curls helped to hide it.

“All better,” he said, as her fingers lightly brushed his forehead. She stroked his cheek, and he closed his eyes, as if her touch made him as lightheaded as his did her. She stretched up and tenderly kissed the scar on his chin, wondering at herself as she did so.

His eyes flickered open, surprise in their depths.

“We’re supposed to be lovers who can only meet in secret,” she felt the need to excuse her actions. “I’m just playing my part.”

Down the hallway there were a series of noisy shouts and then a woman screamed like a banshee. It might have been bloody murder but Marietta knew it was simply an excess of pleasure. She turned large eyes on Max and bit her lip to stop herself from laughing. Max shook his head and grinned back at her.

There was an uncomfortable moment, as if neither of them knew what to do or say next, and then Max said, “We are only allowed the room for an hour.”

“Oh.” The knowledge that their time was so short made her feel awkward, despite all they had done last night. Suddenly Marietta wished herself miles away.

Max wondered what she was thinking. Aphrodite had chosen the Lustful Lady with a purpose. She had wanted Marietta to see what some women were reduced to, were dragged down to, and Max had agreed with her choice because he wanted to observe Marietta’s reaction. Just as he had expected, when he had caught up with her Marietta had been both appalled and afraid. He hadn’t helped, he supposed, by chasing her like that but she hadn’t heard him calling and he’d been afraid she might blunder into one of the occupied rooms.

She must see now that if she continued along the course she was traveling, then she could well be reduced to visiting a place like this on a regular basis. Degradation was something that happened over time, and unless she was very lucky Marietta would get there, eventually. The Lustful Lady was the ultimate destination of many desperate and unhappy people.

But Max was determined that wouldn’t happen to Marietta; he meant to fight for her, whether she wanted him to or not.

“Darling Marietta,” he whispered, willing for her sake to put aside

all his plans to shock her into submission. “We don’t have to stay here. We can go somewhere else. Or I can take you home.”

“It’s not so bad,” she said, and took a shaky breath.

“You don’t have to stay—”

“But I do,” she said in a soft little voice that sounded almost plaintive. “I do have to stay, Max. I have to complete my task so that Aphrodite will help me become a courtesan.”

He wanted to argue with her, he wanted to point out to her that many of these women thought they would be wealthy and famous courtesans too. But with a little smile, Marietta wound her arms about his neck, and tugged his face down to hers. Her lips closed on his, eager and warm and wonderful.

And Max asked himself, as he returned her kisses eagerly, just who was seducing whom.

Chapter 15

Desire for Max caught her in its tight grasp, and Marietta could have wept with joy and sorrow. This was a horrible place, but she could bear it because Max was here, and once she had completed her allotted task she need never return.

Not even for a rendezvous with one of your gentlemen?

My gentlemen will not come to places like this!

But the voice only laughed mockingly.

Desperately, to block it out, she kissed Max again, and he responded just as hungrily. Her body tingled, her breasts tightened and her legs trembled—but that didn’t matter so much, because his arm came around her waist and held her steady, pressed her hard against him.

His lips trailed down her cheek, down to her throat, and he breathed her in, tasting her skin. Tremors ran through her.

“I’ve missed you,” he said. “I’ve wanted you all day and you weren’t there.”

She managed a choked laugh. “I’m here now.”

His mouth came back to claim hers, and again he kissed her deeply, until her body began to burn and she could hardly take a breath.

“The divan?” he suggested huskily.

Marietta gave it an uneasy glance, wondering how many dozens of men and women had coupled there.

He seemed to read her mind, and with a low laugh he turned her around, so that her back was to his chest. “Max?” she asked, thrown by his change in tactics. But instead of answering he cupped her breasts, molding their shape with his palms, and she arched into his hands eagerly. His open mouth was hot against the side of her neck, nuzzling into her hair, all the while his fingers caressing her aching flesh against her own clothing.