Was she missing him with the same sort of desperate need as he was missing her? He only had to remember her body naked before him on the bed at the Anchor, her mouth open in a little “Oh” of surprise, as he pulled her toward him and slid himself inside her. Seeing his body entering hers had given him a primitive thrill he had never felt before. You are mine! The words had rung in his head. They still did.

“Oliver?” She was peering impatiently into his face. “Oliver, did you hear me? I said, will you sell me Candlewood?”

He laughed, and this time it was with relief. “No,” he said.

He had surprised her—he had surprised himself. Suddenly he did not feel nearly so confused. She wanted him. She had been angry after the night at the Anchor. Because he had deceived her? Yes. But also because she believed he had been playacting all along, that he had not really wanted her as desperately, as madly, as he said he did. She was an innocent—another, more experienced woman would have realized he was not pretending. But Oliver had convinced her too well, and she truly believed their kisses and all that followed had been a lie. Time to set her straight.

“Why won’t you sell Candlewood?” she demanded. She was pursing her lips. He felt the stirring heat in his groin.

“Some things aren’t for sale for money, and Candlewood is one of them.”

“But you don’t want it!”

“Don’t I?”

Vivianna stared at him wildly. “I don’t understand. Perhaps you don’t realize how wealthy Fraser is. He could buy and sell your aunt three times over.”

Oliver grinned. “Are you boasting about the amount of blunt your father has, Vivianna? Hardly the behavior of a reformer, is it?”

“I’m not boasting! Name your price.”

He gave her a lazy smile. Her eyes narrowed, suddenly suspicious, but he noticed she no longer looked quite as comfortable with the situation as she had. Good.

“Name my price? Is that what you said?”

“Yes.” Vivianna bit her lip.

“Then I want you. You are my price.”

Vivianna knew she was staring at him. She couldn’t help it. The room was swirling about her, or maybe she was dreaming. He wanted her? How was that so? She had believed he would look at her of

fer from a purely financial view—this was the new Oliver and he would be as cold and pitiless as he had been after they left the Anchor. But he wasn’t. He was looking at her in that particular manner.

Like the rake.

Despite her confusion, and her need to be cautious, Vivianna felt a treacherous shiver run down her spine. Desire curled in her stomach, and her breath quickened.

“Well, Vivianna, I’m waiting. What is your answer? You for Candlewood. That was the deal you wanted to do with me at the opera. I must admit I was rather put out at the time—my feelings were hurt—but I’ve finally come ’round to it. I’ve decided I’ll have you at any price, even if that means giving you Candlewood.”

“No. My answer is no. Of course it’s no.”

“Why not? You know I need an heir, and I think we would make a very nice heir together. I would have to marry you, of course, but I wouldn’t mind that. I quite like having you about, when you’re not lecturing me.”

“Oliver,” she gasped, and her face twisted as if she were in pain. “Stop it. You know I can’t…can’t marry you. Apart from the fact that you lied to me, and humiliated me. I am—”

“I lied to you to protect you. I’m sorry if I humiliated you. I didn’t mean to. I was worried Lawson would see how much you meant to me and hurt you just to hurt me. Vivianna, this sounds bloody stupid now, but I lied to you because I love you.”

She was staring at him, the color rising in her cheeks, her eyes dark and bewildered. She didn’t believe him completely, but she was beginning to. In a moment he would have won her back.


Beneath them came a loud, echoing thud.

Vivianna jumped and Oliver cursed. Then, seeing Vivianna’s shocked face, he reached out and took her hand in his, his fingers strong and warm.

“He can’t get out,” he said quietly.

“What if he does?” she whispered, and realized she was shaking. “He’ll be so angry. I don’t think I can face him again.”