He had attuned her body to his touch, and now she found she could not do without him.

“Vivianna and I are about to go shopping,” Marietta was bubbling on, as he bent his head attentively toward her. “Perhaps you could escort us, Lord Montegomery?”

“It would be my pleasure, Miss Marietta, but I fear I have a prior engagement.”

“Oh no. Can you not cancel it?”

“Marietta!” Vivianna admonished, her face fiery. “Remember your manners. Lord Montegomery is not interested in ladies’ clothing!”

Oliver glanced at her, and something in the depths of his blue eyes made her breath catch in her breast. It was as if the heat of their passion was replaying in her head. His mouth on hers, his hands and his body. She could not look away….

“Mama! It is Lord Montegomery.” Marietta’s voice broke the spell between them, and Vivianna turned shakily toward her mother, feeling as if she might fall over.

“Mama, this is Lord Montegomery,” Vivianna said dutifully. “My lord, this is Lady Greentree, my mother.” She did not look at him again, not directly. She did not dare.

Oliver smiled his charming smile and bowed over her mother’s hand. Vivianna saw the uncertain look on her mother’s face, the quick glance to her, the fear that her daughter had become entangled with this elegant rake. Vivianna understood her mother’s concern. Toby was rake enough for any family—they did not need another.

“You have business in London, Lady Greentree?” Oliver asked her, polite, interested, the perfect gentleman. Only Vivianna felt his lapse of attention, saw the tension in his shoulders and his jaw, sensed the urgency in him to be alone with her. She did not know whether to be sorry or glad.

“I have come to support my daughter, Lord Montegomery.”

“Of course.”

“I believe you will not give in to her pleas regarding the orphans’ shelter?”

“I’m afraid that is impossible.”

They sized each other up, and then Lady Greentree sighed. “I see.”

“I…that is, the Beatty sisters ask that you make all ready for them at Bethnal Green,” Vivianna said stiffly. “We will have to avail ourselves of your generosity until we find somewhere else more suitable.”

Oliver raised his eyebrows. “I think you will find the house at Bethnal Green more than suitable, Miss Greentree.”

Vivianna’s eyes narrowed at him, and she forgot her longing for him in a spurt of righteous anger. “Miss Greta has been to visit and she does not believe that to be the case. Children should not be made to live in such squalid surroundings.”

Oliver looked blank. “When did she visit the house in Bethnal Green?”

“I do not know. Some weeks ago, I think.”

“Ah.” He gave her a little smile.

“What do you mean, ah?” Vivianna demanded.

Lady Greentree hissed her name in displeasure, and Marietta giggled with excitement. But Vivianna ignored them, and Oliver took her lead.

“I mean she has not visited since I made the repairs. I think you will find the lodging house is now more than suitable for your children, Miss Greentree.”

“More than—”

“No, no, don’t thank me.”

Vivianna’s eyes shot fire. “Thank you!”

“You must forgive my daughter, Lord Montegomery,” Lady Greentree said quietly. “When it comes to her children she can be formidable, and sometimes she forgets her manners.”

“That’s because she was an abandoned child herself,” Marietta announced. “Francesca and I were, too, but we were too young to remember it. Vivianna looked after us. She’s been looking after abandoned children ever since.”

“Please, Marietta, Lord Montegomery isn’t interested in ancient history.”