“Hush.” Again she put her hand over his. “Adam, marrying you was the best thing I ever did. I can never regret it.”

He lifted her hand to his and pressed his lips fervently to her fingers.

“Now,” his wife said firmly, “are you going to burn that wretched thing before it gets us into any more trouble?”


They watched the pages catch alight in the hearth, curling and turning to ash. Soon there was nothing left to see. Sir Adam Langley and his wife sat and stared contentedly into the flames.

“You look rather well for someone who was supposed to be at death’s door.”

Gabriel opened his eyes and smiled. “Marietta.”

“The same.” His half sister sat down beside him on the garden seat, her fair hair dazzling in the sunshine. She was a beautiful woman, and a happy marriage had only enhanced her looks.

“Thank you,” she said now, “for saving the club. Aphrodite would be lost without it.”

/> “I don’t think I did anything much,” he said wryly, “except make a fool of myself.”

“Nonsense. By all accounts you were extremely brave. They’re even saying you stepped in front of Prince Albert to receive the wound meant for him.”

Gabriel raised his eyebrows. “Good heavens, are they? I almost feel sorry for Appleby. He probably imagined he’d garner some sympathy, and now he’s a would-be assassin.”

“Sorry for Appleby!”

“I said ‘almost.’”

“I suppose you’ll be returning to Wexmoor Manor in darkest Devon, will you? I’m surprised to find you still in London.”

“Madame has been very kind to me while I recovered from my wound.”

“She’s overjoyed to have the club reopening again. She says the refurbishments will be finished by the end of the week. I think”—and she twinkled at Gabriel—“she’s planning a little thank-you supper for you and your friend Miss Dupre.”

Gabriel groaned and closed his eyes. “Not matchmaking.”

“Why not? I heard you were fond of her.”

“If there’s wooing to be done, I’ll do my own.”

Marietta searched his face, suddenly serious. “Has Miss Dupre been back to see you since she returned to Surrey?”

“No. She did wait until the doctors declared me out of danger before she left. She wrote to me, however. A brief, one-page letter wishing me well. It sounded like a good-bye to me.”

“And you’re not going to accept that, are you, Gabriel?” Marietta said with a smile.

“Certainly not. I am planning to marry her.”

And for once Marietta was speechless.

Chapter 34

The invitation had arrived last week, engraved in gold print with intricate curls about the borders. Antoinette opened it at the breakfast table and sat staring at the wording for so long that her sister grew tired of asking her what it said, and eventually came and stood behind her and read it for herself.

Madame Aphrodite requests Miss Antoinette Dupre attend an exclusive supper to celebrate the reopening of Aphrodite’s Club.

There was also a note with it from Aphrodite, assuring her that the select gathering would be for friends only, and none of her girls would be present. It was a thank-you gift from Aphrodite to her friends, and she counted Antoinette as one of her very best friends.

“Are you going?” Cecilia asked. “You should go, Nette.”