Suddenly she stopped and listened. “The rain has gone.”

“Yes.” He kissed her temple, on the little mole there he said drove him to distraction, and unfolded himself from the chaise longue, before reaching to help her up, too. “We should get back before questions are asked.”

“Yes, I suppose we should.”

It was later than she’d thought and she hoped Beth wasn’t worrying. Perhaps they could sneak into the castle without being seen? Beth’s eyes were very sharp, and suddenly Averil wasn’t quite as tranquil about matters. When Beth was worried her calm left her and she could be a little hysterical.

The horse and carriage were safe in the barn, and on their way back to the castle, Rufus held her hand in his and she leaned against his shoulder, enjoying the closeness, reliving their lovemaking, telling herself confidently that she could handle Beth.

“We will announce our engagement at dinner,” he said.

“Rufus, there’s no need to rush. I told you, I—”

“I want to rush. I don’t want you changing your mind,” he said, with his wicked smile. “You’re mine now, Averil.”

Averil felt as if she was happier than she’d ever been. She was in love with a man who loved her and was completely comfortable with her unconventional way of life. Not many men would take in their stride her preoccupation with soiled doves. But Rufus did. She knew he would support her.

She leaned up to kiss him, surprised at the spurt of heat that made her body tingle. Perhaps he was right and they should marry as soon as possible. She didn’t know if she could go back to pretending to be an innocent young lady now. Besides, if they married she would have her fortune to spend as she wished. Surely that was a good thing?

The castle loomed up before them, solid and rather bleak against the gray remains of the storm. For some reason it made her shiver, as though it were a warning. A foretelling of what was to come.

Averil told herself not to be silly. Southbrook Castle would be hers after she married Rufus. She would be mistress here. She would be able to repair that crumbling tower and tidy the garden and . . . But her thoughts came to an abrupt halt as she saw Beth and James come out of the door to meet them.

It was Beth her gaze fixed on. Her companion was hurrying down the stone stairs in such a reckless manner that Averil knew she had been working herself up into a state. This was not good.

“Averil! I was so worried about you,” she cried out as they drew up in the carriage.

“I was perfectly all right,” Averil assured her. “Lord Southbrook was with me, and the storm soon passed.”

But Beth was closer now, and her eyes narrowed. Suspicion drew down her brows. “Wasn’t Mister McInnes there, too?” she asked sharply.

“He couldn’t come,” Averil replied blithely. “Really, Beth, everything was perfectly fine. Don’t fuss so.” She climbed down with James’s help, and quickly headed for the stairs. “I’m rather damp from the rain. I want to change,” she called over her shoulder.

But Beth was right behind her, like a little terrier, refusing to let go.

“Averil, I-I am trying not to believe what I am thinking but I’m finding it very difficult.” Her voice was rising. “Tell me nothing happened and I will believe you, but do not lie to me!”

They were inside the castle now and Beth’s voice echoed up into the cavernous ceiling above them. Averil realized that her hopes of going to her room and shutting herself in to dream about the feel of Rufus’s mouth on hers and his voice murmuring her name, were looking less and less likely.

What was looking more and more likely was that there was going to be a scene.

“Beth, please,” she murmured. “I will talk to you later. Not here.”

“Why not here?” Beth retorted. “Right here, in this falling-down castle that Lord Southbrook loves so much. Averil, have you lost your senses entirely? I’ve tried to warn you but you ignored me and now I fear it is too late!” She was wringing her hands.

James and Rufus had followed them in now. Rufus looked grim-faced, and before Averil could respond to her companion’s words, he stepped forward and said, “Averil and I are to be married. As soon as possible. I hope you will be pleased for us.”

Beth’s eyes grew even wilder. “Married!” She turned on James. “Did you know about this?”

James seemed to shrink into himself, like a boy being scolded. “Well, I . . . I suppose I thought . . . You know, old girl, Rufus would never do anything ungentlemanly.”

“I’m not your ‘old girl’,” she hissed, “and Rufus clearly has.”

James looked startled. “Rufus?” he said, turning to his nephew. “Have you seduced Lady Averil? Was that really the thing, dear boy?” He turned back to Beth. “But you do see there’s nothing for it now, don’t you? They’ll have to be married. Rufus is right.”

Beth gaped at him, too furious to speak, but Averil had no such problem.

“He didn’t seduce me, I seduced him,” she said firmly.