He wanted to get rid of her.

Jackson’s words slipped into her head, teasing, mocking her. She forced them out again. No, she wouldn’t listen to gossip. It wasn’t true anyway.

But the gossip about Gareth and the baroness was true, wasn’t it?

Averil sighed. Lord Southbrook did not seem the sort of man to do something so dastardly, but how could she know? She didn’t know him; she only had her feelings to go on.

The Honorable James Blainey and Beth were strolling in the park. She hadn’t meant to agree to his invitation but he was very persuasive and she didn’t seem able to resist him. Whatever trouble James might cause her seemed outweighed by her attraction to him.

She still couldn’t quite believe it.

James was telling her about Lord Southbrook. “He hasn’t had an easy time of it,” he said, pausing to tip his hat as a couple of young women minced past.

“Hasn’t he?” asked Beth curiously. “He seems full of self-confidence and, if you don’t mind me saying so, I believe he can be rather manipulative.”

Instead of being insulted, James laughed. “What man isn’t when he sees something he wants, my dear? I take it you are speaking of Lady Averil? She is a lovely young lady, and one who knows her own mind. Young Eustace is smitten with her.”

“He’s certainly smitten with Hercules!”

James laughed. “And with you, too, Beth, I hasten to add. I am only trying to explain to you why Eustace’s father might also be a little smitten. Rufus has had a lot to deal with in his life. His wife died, you know, at a time when he was not very happy, and left him with the care of his son. The marriage was not an auspicious one, unfortunately, but men will make mistakes. And then there was the scandal after her death. I’d be overjoyed if he finally found some happiness.”

Beth was alarmed, but she hid it. Find happiness with Averil? Did she really want to see her charge shackled to the wicked earl? Not likely! “He’s almost like a son to you, isn’t he?” she said, hiding her doubts with a mild tone.

“At times he’s more like a father! He’s certainly the best friend I could ever have.”

Beth would have liked to have asked James more about his nephew, but if she was too nosy he might clam up altogether. Perhaps it was better to wait until he let something slip—being a very chatty man he was sure to.

She felt even more conflicted. She was enjoying James’s company very much, despite being fully aware that he was not the most respectable of gentlemen, and at the same time she was using him to find out more about Lord Southbrook, in order to protect Averil from his possibly dangerous intentions.

“There is a rose garden at Southbrook Castle, in memory of my mother,” James was saying, “and a shrubbery, as well as herbaceous borders, and then the parkland. The place is rather a mess, I’m afraid. It needs someone with a love of gardens to take it in hand.” He smiled winningly. “Rather like you.”

Beth knew she was being flattered but she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Perhaps you might come and see my gardens one day?” James added, his voice uncharacteristically tentative and therefore completely endearing.

She felt her heart give a flutter.

Oh dear, she thought, I am in desperate trouble. Am I falling in love? At my age? How utterly ridiculous, and how completely inappropriate.

She managed to answer lightly. “I would love to see your gardens. One day. At the moment I am very busy here in London, and with Averil to care for . . .”

James was quiet for a moment and she wondered if she’d hurt his feelings.

“Of course you are,” he said at last. “I forgot. I am at a loose end myself most days, apart from Eustace of course. He and I rub along very well together.”

Beth let him ramble on, telling herself she must be sensible. James was not a reliable man, and despite her enjoyment of his company, it must not go any further. There was something not quite right about the earl and she was going to find out what it was.

When Averil returned home she dashed off a note to Rufus immediately, informing him that she was interested in the house on his estate, and that Gareth had agreed to inspect it with a view to using it for the Distressed Women. She asked if he would meet her to discuss these important matters.

Once that was done she changed her clothing and brushed her hair, and tried not to be impatient. He was probably out on other business. But an hour later a reply came to her by a Southbrook servant, and it set her heart bumping just that little bit faster.

Rufus, Lord Southbrook, would be pleased to ask his land agent to travel down to London, to discuss the house with Dr. Simmons and Lady Averil. There was another matter he wished to discuss with her, too. Something closer to her heart. Might he attend upon Lady Averil this afternoon at four o’clock and take her for a drive in his coach? If that was convenient would she send back a reply as soon as possible?

It was convenient and as the servant was waiting, Averil sent off a reply at once.

The clock struck three o’clock and Averil tried not to be restless. Beth was out somewhere and she felt the emptiness of the house pressing down upon her. It was all she could do not to peer from the windows at the street, hoping to see the coach with the Southbrook insignia upon the door.