He was too busy gasping to form a reply. Maybe having Cy walking distance away wouldn’t be so bad after all.

2. Freckled-Faced Vixen

No sooner had they broken Cy into the city, than Cy was breaking Trixie into the wilderness, or more specifically, the ocean. He owned a kayak, but rented a two-seater for them both. It wasn’t hard to pick up the necessary techniques and Cy promised to do most of the paddling if she got tired. He teased, of course, knowing full well that her stamina had run his lungs dry during their obstacle race together.

Cy gave her a lesson on proper boatmanship before they started out. His hands wandered flirtatiously as he fastened her life jacket while going over the basics of paddling. The lessons were simplistic, but Trixie liked that he was attentive to her well-being. It felt good to be taken care of by somebody else and even made her stomach flutter each time he reached around her to grab another buckle. Is this what it felt like to be in a healthy relationship? She still couldn’t say for certain.

She looked at Cy and sometimes wondered what to do or say next. Trixie would sooner admire his muscular shoulders or lose herself in his brown eyes. She was only distantly listening to his words, a bad habit, while staring at his lips and imagining them pressed against her naked belly.

Any time Cy said or did something that was chivalrous or romantic, like open a door, pay her a complement, or even asked a question about her past, probing for more personal details, she responded with physical affection rather than a reply, or deflected the subject back to him. It was easier that way for now. She

was so used to being sexual with men that any other kind of intimacy felt a little forced on her part, even though she truly had feelings for him.

Trixie had only been in one long term relationship before, which had been tumultuous during the best of times, and almost entirely physical. He unlocked her body and rejected her all at once, leaving Trixie shortly after her first gushing orgasm. It certainly wasn’t an experience she wanted to repeat. She was determined to never let herself be hurt like that again. That conviction alone had served her well for years, until meeting Cy in the mountain village.

Cy had changed everything, but she could still feel herself holding back emotionally by using sex as a buffer. She was playful and smiling on the surface, but largely removed on the inside, except during moments like these, as he finished tightening her flotation vest. Trixie could feel him sneaking through her armor as she warmed to Cy in more than a purely physical way. Whether he knew what he was doing or not, she could tell he wasn’t just interested in her body, but her company as well.

Trixie interrupted him, cutting Cy off in the middle of some sentence about sharing waterways with other boaters, threw herself against his long slender body, and given him a prolonged kiss. She held his face in one hand, inhaling him, hungry for his lips. Cy didn’t resist until she was done.

“What was that for?” he asked pleasantly, still locked in her embrace and thrown by her sudden affection.

“For showing up when you did.”

“What? At your doorstep?”

“In a manner of speaking.”

Cy smiled, not fully understanding, but Trixie was okay for that. The day was beautiful, they had each other, and that was all that mattered. Her chest swelled with a deep satisfying breath.

“Take me out to sea Captain. I’m ready when you are.”

Cy sat Trixie in front of him so he could steer more effectively, after which they pushed off into the water and left the cove community behind them. They were slicing through the water shortly thereafter, passing canoeists and sail boats while being buffeted by jet skis and speed boats. There was a whole other community on the water, complete with jellyfish skirting the surface and seals poking their heads up.

Cy directed them further up the inlet, where there seemed to be less activity, and followed the shore. They spotted a deer grazing among the trees in a primordially undisturbed landscape. Trixie was in awe of their surroundings. After two hours of paddling, Cy steered them back into the inlet and towards a small island where he suggest they tie up. There was no dock, merely a pebble beach and some jutting rocks. He pulled the kayak out of the water while she was still inside and helped her out as if she were royalty descending a gang plank.

“I have a confession to make,” he said.

“Oh, what that?” Trixie asked, curious to know where this was going.

“I’ve actually been to this island before. It was sort of my destination today.”

“Didn’t you say something about wanting to explore this inlet?”

“Well, I haven’t been back here for a long time, so it is kind of an exploration. It was a long time ago when I was still a teenager.”

“So is this the same island?”

“Yeah, this is the place. It was more than ten years ago. My parents and I were visiting their friends who have a house along the inlet. They had kids who grew up here and went boating all the time. Playing on the water was second nature. There was a whole mess of them. They took me out to this island one night and we built a bonfire.”

“Sounds like a fond memory,” Trixie said as she began taking off her life jacket.

“You could say that. I was there with a bunch of older kids, so it was very exciting, but there’s more to it than that."

"I'm intrigued."

"One of the older boys brought a date along. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen. Freckles that wouldn’t quit. She pulled him away into the shadows after the fire got started. You cannot know how much I envied that guy.”

“Raging hormones and all. I can imagine.”