“I’m voracious.”

“You have an appetite, I’ll grant you that. Have I been exhausted by it yet?”

“No, but then we haven’t been exclusive.”

That stumped him. She wasn’t going to apologize for craving diversity. If he wanted to be exclusive, there was no point in pulling her punches now. He certainly wasn’t. It wouldn’t do either one of them any favors to hold back now.

“Trixie, you have a hunger in you like no other woman I’ve ever met. It needs to be fed and won’t take no for an answer. I can handle that.”

Trixie shook her head. He wasn’t getting it. Erik wanted to make it seem like there was nothing about her he couldn’t manage. That was a mistake.

“I don’t want to be handled Erik. I need to feel wanted, a lot. It’s the greediest part of me and I’m okay with it. You can spend hours lovingly cooking dinner for us, but when the desire comes over me, it can end up on the floor for all I care. Anything between me and what I want is just an obstacle at that point. That can’t be appealing.”

“I know you have more control over yourself than that,” Erik said.

“That’s no guarantee I’ll exercise it. Nor will I be told how to feel!” she snapped back.

Ouch. That came out passionately. Why was she being so defensive all of a sudden? Erik wasn’t trying to change who she was. He was simply stating what he wanted. She did it all the time. There was only one other person who bent Trixie to his will, but that was ancient history. Erik rallied quickly.

“Trixie, this is what I know. I’m on the side of a mountain with a woman who I don’t have to be careful around for the first time in my life. You keep up with me constantly, no matter what we’r

e doing. And when we’re together, you take me, all of me, and keep coming back for more. You bring out my hunger, which I’ve always kept buried. You say that managing you is not enough? That you need to feel desired? I get that. I manage my desires constantly, but I don’t have to with you. I can own my appetite. I can be myself and unleash all the suppressed lust I’ve pent up for years because, until you came along, I’ve been afraid to really cut loose.

“If you can do all of that for me, can you understand why I would want to do everything in my power to meet your needs?”

Trixie reached out and cupped his face. She wanted to believe that the real Erik was a Viking who would take her body by force of strength, but actions are what mattered to her more than anything.

“Are you sure about that Erik? Words are hollow.”

Erik nodded stoically and said nothing.

“Good. I’m not making any promises about exclusivity, but if that’s how you truly feel, then you need to get us up this mountain. Fast. No more safe climbing for my sake. I want to feel my threshold being pushed, like you promised me.”

Erik smiled deviously, which Trixie found oddly reassuring.

The next stretch was grueling. The higher they ascended, the more difficult every inch of progress became, but Trixie wouldn’t let herself slow down. She wanted the burn, needed to feel worn out when they reached the peak. Erik kept pace with her the whole time as they secured the lead lines for each other.

The boot camp had tested her stamina and strength. Rock climbing did that as well, but also her willpower. She got angry at the cliff, that there was still more to climb. Then she was angry at herself for blaming the cliff. Then she railed against the cliff for being too easy. Trixie alternated between delirious pain and euphoric intoxication during the final stretch. She was going to beat this mountain, even it used every last one of her endorphins.

And then, just like that, she arrived at the peak. Trixie pulled herself over the final ledge and stood atop the plateau. She surveyed the forest below like a conquering warlord. The view stretched off in every direction. No matter where she looked, it was devoid of civilization. Suddenly she didn’t want to be civilized anymore.

Erik was behind her, coiling up the rope and packing away their equipment. There was a bluff behind him, further up, covered in trees. Trixie unbuckled herself from the harness, let it drop to the ground, and walked past Erik towards the rocky slope.

“Where are you going?” he asked.

Trixie wasn’t going to make it easy by telling him. He had to figure this part out for himself. It didn’t count if she had to explain what she wanted. Trixie tore off her helmet and let it tumble at her feet as she continued striding towards the bluff.

“Trixie?” he asked.

Her muscles were screaming, trying to rebel against every step, but the desire coursing through her body, speeding up her heart, overrode that anguish. She half-turned and looked back at Erik with a single eye through her disheveled ginger hair. Trixie pulled off her sweat-saturated top, pushed down her shorts, and then ran up the slope in her small clothes and shoes, scrambling over the rock.

Erik dropped what he was doing and followed behind. Trixie reached the next peak after a few vaulting jumps and then scanned the area to get a lay of the land. It was a small bluff. There really weren’t too many places she could go. That’s when Trixie spotted a small cave.

“What’s gotten into you?” she heard Erik say. She ran towards the cave instead of answering. He was closer than she thought and managed to grab her arm. Trixie spun around and faced him wildly. Erik was genuinely confused by her behavior. She pulled herself up to his lips and kissed his mouth ravenously. Erik melted into the embrace and let go of her arm. That was his first mistake. She dropped to the ground and slapped him with all her strength.

Erik didn’t know what hit him, his face flush with the mark of her hand. Trixie backed away like an animal. That's when she saw it. The change in his expression. He was feral and hungry at the same time. She felt the heat rise between them. There was hunger in his eyes, the kind she wanted to see. She spun around and ran. Erik took off his shirt and was fast on her heels.

The cave was small and shallow, but Trixie ducked inside and turned around to face him when she reached the back end. Erik knelt down and filled the entrance with his body. There was no escaping, but he would have to come inside if he wanted more. He approached unhurried, knowing his prey was trapped.