“How very metropolitan of you. Is that a shower I see in the next room?”


“Take me there.”

Erik did whatever she told him and asked no questions. He had something to prove and she knew it. Trixie was counting on that. She knew Erik was a big’un, balls to bones, but that was also his appeal. She might be a slender slip of woma

n, but she could take larger men than seemed possible. If memory served, however, Erik pushed her envelope a little.

She reached down into his exercise shorts and grabbed his member. He was already standing at attention. Same horse cock as always.

“I was wrong about you Erik,” she said. “I should have given you another chance.”

Trixie stroked his length as he carried her past the lockers into an equally unisex shower. She bounced out of his arms and landed on her feet in front of him. He was at least twice her breadth at the shoulder. Trixie pulled his compression shirt up, but couldn’t reach high enough to pull it over his head. Erik finished the gesture by pulling it off over his head and tossed it aside.

She raked her fingers up through his chest hair. He had a thick black forest of it. His pectoral muscles were so large that both her hands barely covered one. Trixie stretched her fingers over his sinewy shoulders and gripped hard. She pulled herself up to his mouth, feet off the ground, and kissed him more hungrily.

Erik gingerly touched her back as she dangled there. He wasn’t pulled even a little off balance by her weight, but he didn’t grab her like she had anticipated. He was reserved for some reason. Fine. She had to earn her way back into his good graces again. Maybe then he would start to be more forthright again. What could she do for him that men liked?

Trixie lowered herself to ground again. They were standing on a tiled floor and flanked by two communal showers posts. There was also a freestanding shower wall near the back of the room, presumably for more bashful people. Trixie brought her hands down along Erik’s sides, savoring the bulging muscles that protected his ribs, and finally to the waistband of his shorts.

“It wasn’t right of me to move on like I did.”

Trixie pulled the shorts off over his formidable organ, bringing her lips close enough to it so that he could feel her breath against his length. She flicked his ball sack with her tongue before squatting and pulled his shorts down at the same time. Trixie looked up at Erik as he stepped out of each leg. He was so tall that she had a clear view of his undercarriage. He wasn’t shaved clean, but his package was recently trimmed, more so than the rest of his body.

Shaving wasn’t absolutely necessary in Trixie’s books, but she appreciated men who made an effort. You weren’t attracted to a man like Erik if body hair was even a small problem, but he clearly understood the value of manicuring his equipment. Trixie quite liked the barbaric hairiness, the way it held his musky scent after a workout.

She stood up and pushed him against the freestanding shower wall. Erik walked backwards at the end of her finger tip.

“I was wrong to judge you so quickly.”

His bumped against the tiled wall.

Trixie had him stay there as she took a step back to survey his magnificently sculpted body. She removed her sports bra and pushed her shorts down in a single uninterrupted gesture. Trixie stepped out of her shorts, completely naked but for her sneakers. Erik didn’t know where to look, but to his credit kept coming back to her eyes. Lastly, she untied her ponytail and shook the fiery mantle out in front of him.

“Can I make it up to you Erik? Can you give me another chance?”

The shiny crown of his erection pressed against the bottom of her sternum. She took his throbbing cock into both of her hands and began to stroke him lightly. The head inflated at her touch. Erik inhaled sharply at the arousing gesture. His breath came more rapidly.

“I was hoping you would say that.”

She barely had to lean over to lick the ridge of his cock. Erik was longer and wider than most men. She couldn’t swallow him entirely into her mouth, but lathered his appendage with her tongue until he glistened. Trixie drew her mouth up and down along the side of his length, sucking the head repeatedly. Erik leaned against the freestanding shower wall and hooked his muscular arms up over the top, pushing his hips forward.

“Do you like that? Does it make up for how I treated you? No? Let me try something else.”

She was playing the role of repentant mistress now. Trixie took up her breasts in both hands and nestled his cock between them. She began to slide his length up and down between her girls.

“How does that feel? Want me to go faster?”

Erik nodded speechlessly as she continued, unable to look away. Trixie licked his rigid pole every couple of strokes to keep him slick. She could feel Erik throbbing between her tits, pulsing with blood as he grew harder, engorged with desire. Trixie wanted him hungry. She wanted to obliterate his reservations about being with her again.

Erik brought a hand to his face, drawing it down across his expression. “Gods Trixie, I can’t resist you,” he said.

And just like that, his restraint crumbled.

Erik withdrew from her breasts, grabbed her waist in his two enormous hands, and carried Trixie to the side wall. She was going to wrap her legs around his waist but then he hoisted her onto his shoulders, effortlessly placing her into a reverse piggy-back position. She locked her ankles behind his back and leaned against the wall for stability. Trixie’s head almost brushed the ceiling, but Erik had her well in hand. She tilted her hips forward into his waiting mouth as he plied her cleft with a deft tongue.

Trixie moaned as he alternatively flicked her lips apart and pulled on each one with his mouth. Erik was an immovable rock beneath her body. His hands reached up and cupped her backside, allowing him to explore her nethers more deeply. She was already moist, but that made her ignite with heat.