”If you weren’t so obsessed with having such a tight snatch, you’d be surprised what a little juice means to a man like him.”

Trixie was a Harridan, and more than just in family name, especially when provoked. Vanessa was stunned. Trixie went in for the kill.

“Yes, I did discard Erik, but I’m also big enough to admit when I made a mistake, to his face. My apology was well received. Very well received in fact. A little softness can make a world of difference to a hard man like him. Let’s just say that he was most forthcoming. Does the discipline you and Erik share keep him warm at night? Does it help him relax when he’s tired? How about when you do spread that tight little package for him? Do you at least welcome his come on your body when he can’t fit inside you?”

She assumed that Vanessa was the kind of girl who didn’t celebrate sex, or the mess that it made. More often than not, discipline meant uptight. Vanessa was predictably stymied by her rhetorical questions.

Vanessa’s face turned red with anger. “I do all of that and more. And I can do it better than you can!”

Trixie was fed up with this woman. She needed to defuse the situation before Vanessa started swinging. Underneath it all, she seemed like the brawling type.

“Okay Vanessa, prove it, tomorrow, assuming you actually do the work with everybody else instead of just barking orders at them. Until then, I think you should leave.”


Trixie opened the door of her suite and found the two fitness bitches from class, standing there like deer in headlights, eavesdropping.

Trixie turned back to Vanessa. “Your entourage? Why am I not surprised.”

Vanessa stormed out of the suite. The women parted to make way for her exit, shot ineffectually dirty looks at Trixie, and then quickly followed behind their alpha female. Trixie couldn’t help but laugh before closing the door on them all. When would people realize that she wasn’t cowed by juvenile behavior in adult women? Maybe they had a clue now, but as Vanessa had said, she wasn’t getting her hopes up.

6. Ground Zero

Trixie went to bed early and got a good night’s rest. The boot camp started early and there would be a wake up call whether it was desired or not. She wanted to be ready before that knock came in case it was Vanessa again.

It wasn’t. Trixie opened the door to find a shirtless Erik standing there in all of his monumental splendor. If she invited him inside, he’d have to duck through the doorway, which was an instant turn on for Trixie. She wanted to pull him down on top of her and take their time with each other, but that wasn’t possible. He was the master of ceremonies so to speak.

“You look ready to go,” Erik said smiling.

“Just give me a second and I will be,” she

Trixie stooped to tie her shoelaces.

“Is everything alright?” he asked.

She looked up at him, a little perplexed. “Of course. Shouldn’t it be?”

“It’s just that you weren’t at dinner last night. You could have met everybody.”

“Oh, well thanks for noticing, but I wasn’t hungry.”

Erik cocked his head, a little doubtful of her reason. “I heard that Vanessa came by to talk. Did she say anything rude? If she did, I’ll speak to her about it.”

“Not at all. I just wanted to make sure my body was rested enough to handle anything you throw at me today.”

“Okay, if that’s all it was, " he said, only half-satified with her excuse. "Mind if I walk you there?”

“By all means.”

Erik could be so formal, but Trixie didn’t mind a little old fashioned in her men. He escorted them to a large convention room where everybody was already waiting. Exercise mats were provided, along with hand weights and electrolyte beverages, but the room was also filled with an arsenal of exercise equipment.

In addition to the usual fitness gear, like kettle bells, medicine balls, and skipping rope, there were sledge hammers, thick tossing ropes, and treaded tires the diameter of her height. That was just the small equipment. There were also larger standing pieces, like hand-over-hand bars, pull up bars, and parallel bars.

Trixie was familiar with all of the equipment, but couldn’t say she had used them all. Vanessa bounced over to where they were standing, chipper and smiling, continually hopping up and down in one place.

“Everybody’s ready when you are Erik.”

She handed him a microphone headset.