“You wouldn’t be the first woman who had an orgasm by doing that particular exercise. It actually wasn’t a part of my three hour regimen. I may have confided to Vanessa about your kind of release.”

“After we dated?”

Erik nodded. “Yes, which is why I think it was all a set up.”

“Then she picked the wrong girl to ambush. I’m not easily embarrassed.”

“Vanessa can be… possessive. I’ve turned to her for other comforts, but we’re not a couple. Please know that.”

“She doesn’t scare me Erik, if that’s what you’re wondering.”

Erik smiled and kissed her tenderly. Trixie was so exhausted from the past three hours, let alone the orgasm she was still having at oddly timed intervals, but his affection was welcome.

She loved the way his enormous frame loomed over her body. It would be really easy to just lie on her back and pull him on top of her. She was certainly moist enough and her body was only just beginning to process how much pain she was in. Her muscles would be screaming soon. Trixie looked at his waistline. He was still wearing a pair of shorts.

“Nobody has ever done what you did for me Erik. You really showed up when I needed you most. So much that I’d say one of us is overdressed right now.”

Erik stared down at her in shock, water dripping off his face from the shower. “After what you just went through?”

She leaned onto her back and reached down to pull off her thong, straightening her legs to pull them over her sneakers.

“This window isn’t going to stay open long Erik. My body is going to be in a world of hurt soon.”

Trixie brought both knees up to her chest so that her nethers naturally spread open for him. She spurted again, causing her whole body to tense, but not black out for a change. “If you have anything to prove, now’s

your chance.”

Erik was out of his shorts in a flash, his member already tempered with blood. He took himself in hand, hovering over her breach, but then hesitated.

“Are you sure about this?” he forced himself to ask.

She could yell at him for asking such a question.

“To the victor go the spoils.”

Trixie closed eyes in anticipation. His mushroomed head parted her cleft and burrowed deep in the gorge beyond. She was especially tight after the boot camp, but also extremely well lubricated. His cock was unyieldingly hard and brooked no compromises, forcing her to accept his girth. He was at once intolerable and incredible.

Erik drove up against the current of fluid she could no longer control. He withdrew and plunged repeatedly. Trixie didn’t have the strength to grind herself into a frenzy. She was excited and weak at the same time.

“Take me Erik. Don’t be gentle.”

He obliged, pushing deeper and faster into her hidden territory. Trixie wrapped her legs around his sides as best she could and pulled him closer, urging him to take her more forcibly. Erik continued to plough her mound. She grimaced and groaned as he ravished her cunt. Trixie reached up and grabbed his back, digging her fingers into his flesh, and pulled herself off the shower floor. Erik gallantly kept thrusting, spurred to further abandon by the torment of her nails.

“Be my heat Erik,” she said. “Lose yourself in me.”

He sat up with Trixie clinging to his body, but then surprisingly lifted her off him. She almost felt rejected for a second, until Erik lied back and brought her into a straddling position atop him, grabbing her waist in both hands. She began to rise and fall tiredly, until he completely took over and supported her weight. Trixie was light for him, but Erik gradually strained from the ordeal of pumping her on his cock. The longer he went, the warmer he became, growing sweatier each moment. His eyes were clenched shut, she knew from the string of salt, but still he refused to stop, a bellows inside her cleft.

That’s when Trixie felt the familiar spark return, but unlike any occasion she had known before. Her breath quickened with each collision of their loins. There was no heat, no bottle of steam to open, but a cool explosion from deep within her belly. The shockwave traveled in all directions at once, standing every short hair on end, and washed over the surface of her skin.

Trixie was accustomed to blacking out about now, but remained lucid as her reservoir spilled over from the waist down and unleashed a tsunami on Erik. She gushed like a sprung leak, drenching his groin in her juices. It wasn’t hard to express her pleasure, albeit in a high shrill voice, which encouraged him to do the same, but through guttural base grunting, chasing her orgasm with his own. Trixie reignited again as he swelled with release and utterly spent them both.

She collapsed heavily on his chest, delirious from exhaustion, and more than a little stunned at the turnabout this day had wrought. Not only did Erik come while she detonated, but he provided the heat she needed to detonate in the first place, even as the shower rained down on their bodies.

“Tell me something Erik, and this is going to sound horrible, but what’s your last name?”


“Do you know what that means by any chance?”