Trixie had taken her top off during a moment when Erik looked over at her progress. Her exercise bra was utterly saturated by that point and completely pointless to keep wearing. Not to be undone Vanessa stripped down too.

The two women constantly measured at each other. They were beat up, but sturdy. Trixie didn’t even hear the music anymore. The beat of her own heart drowned it out. Her bottle of electrolyte rich water had become a lifeline teat that kept her going. The third and final hour would to be the most difficult. Trixie and Vanessa remained partnered as they individually tossed a giant coiled up rope, pulling it back to their body, and flipped a giant tire back and forth, keeping up with each other’s repetitions.

They were both lagging by that point, but had become the only two people who were actively pushing themselves at anything faster than a crawl. Modesty was gone. Both women had finally shed their bottoms and were only wearing thongs by that point.

Then came the final stretch. Vanessa lead them to a pull up bar.

“Dangle from your arms and bend both legs up into a crunch against your chest. Continue until failure.”

They started at the same time and synchronized right away. Vanessa wasn’t looking much better than Trixie felt. She wasn’t sure how much longer it was possible to go on. Her arms strained and her core burned with each leg lift. The heat was unlike anything she had felt before. No that wasn’t true. She knew this heat very well. This was the same heat that washed over her and excited every pore on her body during sex.

Distantly, from someplace far away, she heard Erik call an end to the final hour, but Vanessa kept going. If she still had the strength to go on, then so did Trixie, no matter how much her body wanted to stop. Pain was something she could put in a box and ignore. This was just between them now.

The heat Trixie recognized spread outward from deep inside her cleft. She closed her eyes and gasped as a wave of inexplicable bliss shot up her spine. How could she be feeling pleasure right now? It only got more pronounced each time she brought her legs up. Trixie felt like she was stretching an elastic band, making it increasingly taut, almost to the point of snapping.

That’s when her eyes rolled back. She was already hot from exercising, hotter than she had ever been without passing out before. Trixie didn’t think it was possible to be warmer, but then she didn’t have to imagine it.

The elastic band snapped. The bottle of steam that she normally uncorked on purpose blew off uncontrollably. Her whole body tensed. Trixie could feel the flood coming. The world lurched and gravity disappeared. Up and down were suddenly meaningless. Was she falling? Was she still dangling from the bar? She didn’t know, but it was going on for a long time. The world went blank.

As her vision began to resolve again, Trixie realized that she was neither dangling from the bar, nor lying on the ground beneath it. Her body was bound up and tense, but squirted a short jet of fluid periodically. The class would be getting an eye full today. Trixie didn’t like the idea of being on display, but there was no stopping it. She was a passenger in her own body now.

Yet something was different. She was bundled up, but not of her own volition. Two hairy muscled arms were carrying her down a hallway at speed as numbered doors rushed past. Trixie looked up at an expression. The face was concerned and determined. She knew then that Erik had caught her, just like she thought he would, but today, when his strength was needed most. He was running through the hotel hallways even as her body kept releasing, briefly spurting against her thong. He didn’t seem to care or even notice. Erik was on a mission.

He arrived at a door, swept his key card through the reader, and hurried them both through the suite. Erik brought her into the bathroom and under a large standing shower, which he turned on with an elbow, adjusting the temperature to a perfect cool. Not too hot, not too warm. He lowered Trixie onto the floor, propped her back against the wall, and knelt with her under the water.

“There, is that better?”

It helped a lot, but her juices were still gushed in short bursts.

Trixie caught her breath. “Did I beat her?”

Erik looked down at her, the concern melting from his face. “That’s what you’re worried about?”

“Did I win?”

“You won. Vanessa stopped first. A little before you even. I was surprised you kept going.”

“I did? I can’t remember. It was all a blur.”

Again she came in a jolting spurt as her nethers convulsed.

She reached up and touched his face affectionately.

“My hero.”

Erik held her hand to his face affectionately. “It’s always like this for you isn’t it?”

“When I let it. Today took me by surprise.”

“I saw you starting to slip away. The expression on your face. I recognized it, what you look like just before giving over to the impulse. That’s when I grabbed you and ran. I’m sure there will be questions. You were already moaning, but maybe people will think it was in pain rather than pleasure.”

“So much for my virtue,” she said jokingly, “Don’t worry, I haven’t missed it for years.”

Trixie thought it was strange to be talking coherently. The way she squirted in quick flashes was also different. There was no rhyme or reason to it.

Erik shook his head. “I think Vanessa knew exactly what she was doing.”

“How so?”