Trixie was no idle passenger. She gripped him between her thighs, putting those core exercises to good use, and matched his rhythm, driving down as he pushed upwards. Cy was long enough to easily collide against the back of her sheathe, sparking a sting that intensified each time he made contact. It was going to send her over the edge, but not for the main event.

Cy was starting to sweat. Good, she thought, he should work hard. She felt the familiar heat spread outward from the pit of her stomach and then expel, rippling in every direction at once. She rode the shockwave with a moan that quickly amplified into a wail as Cy kept colliding against the furthest end of canal. Her nectar had nowhere to go but down, drenching him with overflow. Cy only slowed after she did.

Trixie would need to be revved up a little more before she was ready to completely release, but Cy was off to a wonderful start. She opened one eye to take in the world again. He had been watching her cum face the whole time.

Trixie was about to make a joke about how ridiculous she must look, but he interrupted her before the words got out.

“You’re amazing.”

“You’re the one doing most of the work,” she said.

“I don't want you to think I'm lazy.”

“There’s no chance of that, but I’m not done with you yet.”

She kissed Cy ravenously as he lowered them back onto the bed, placing her underneath him. He lightly stroked her belly with the tips of his fingers, took one of her nipples between his teeth, and pulled. She gasped.

Trixie spun around and lifted her backside in the air, presenting herself for the taking. She looked over her shoulder at him through one of her painted eyes. No more play, she thought. I want to be taken roughly. He got the idea, but that didn’t stop Trixie from making it clear.

“Spread me open Cy,” she panted. “Pummel my cunt.”

Her backside was smaller than before she started training, but there was still a residual jiggle left that she wanted to tone up. For now it would give him some padding. She held herself there, rubbing her plumage against his belly. Trixie had so many new muscles that it was an easy pose to hold. She didn't have to taunt him long. Cy pushed her down against the mattress under his weight and guided himself between her inviting lips.

“Oh gods yes,” she purred. “Take me like that.”

Cy worried her mound in this position for a while, taking ownership of her body. He plummeted her threshold slowly and fiercely, slamming up against her buttocks. Trixie grabbed fistfuls of duvet to brace herself against each impact. She was drizzling as his thrusts became more forceful. Cy felt incredible. Trixie loved being at the mercy of his strength, so long as her needs were also attended. She knew they would be soon. He was doing everything right.

Cy withdrew abruptly and hoisted Trixie up onto her hands and knees with no less ease than if she had been a part of his body. He wasn’t absent long. Cy returned to her cave immediately and firmly drove himself back inside. She took him willingly, looking back over a shoulder.

“Like this Cy? Is this how you want me?”

His penetrations were fast but controlled. Trixie could tell he was trying to hold back, but she wanted him close to release. She reached back between her legs, grabbed his balls, and stroked them. Trixie quivered as he inflated even more.

Cy began pounding her more urgently, pushing up against her enveloping loins with his formidable length. This position had the ability to trigger her cataclysmic release, but Trixie wanted to have one more go around before that happened. She was winding up her body to let go all at once. She was confident Cy had the discipline to make it possible.

Trixie dropped forward onto her chest and reached back with both hands, stroking Cy's flank to embolden him. She was blind, face buried in pillows, but could feel everything that mattered. Her cheeks spread wide in this position. Every part of her pale body was on display. Every corner where the sun didn’t shine was revealed. Cy got to see it all and bask in the unquenchable vortex of her sex. This was her wild card and Trixie was utterly devoid of shame.

“Fuck me Cy!” she screamed. “FUCK ME DEEPLY!”

> His girth was like a steel pole when she came again in waves. Her spacious cunt slapped around his member. Cy pulsed with blood. She could feel that he was about to release. He had already come in her mouth, but she knew there would be more, somewhere deep inside his root. Trixie couldn’t have him spending his second and probably last seed of the night, not while it was still keeping him hard.

Trixie sprang off his erection without warning and turned to face him. Her juices covered his groin with a glistening sheen. His eyes, however, look confused and a little betrayed, especially when he was so close. Trixie wasn’t going to abandon him. Not now. Everything led to this moment.

Trixie pushed Cy onto his back, causing his appendage to stand at attention, which she handily grabbed and plunged up between her legs. He sighed with pleasure as she lowered herself on him. Trixie was driving now and Cy’s stomach was exactly the surface against which she wanted to grind. Deprived of imminent release, his rigidity was guaranteed now, and that was by design. Trixie knew she was being selfish, but had long since forgiven herself when it came to this orgasm.

She didn’t pick up strangers in the hope that they would satisfy her needs. Trixie gave them a chance to prove themselves –– to a point –– after which she took over. Cy had done well to get her this far, but it was impatience that got the best of Trixie now, not performance. He definitely had potential. Even so, what was about to rain down on him would be the most telling of all.

Trixie closed her eyes and took the posture of his aroused organ. She circled her hips with a steady cadence, repeatedly sliding up the slope of his muscular belly and down into the shallow pit of his crotch. Her pale face grew increasingly flush with every crank of her hips. Trixie's breaths came in starts, labored through parted lips and rosy cheeks. There was no stopping now. She lifted her long ginger mane up with both hands and uncorked the bottle of steam deep within her breach. The hidden reservoir would boil over any second now.

“You’re so warm," Cy said concerned, "Are you alright?”

He reached up and touched her belly.

That did it. That little touch was all it took.

“I will be,” she whispered.

Trixie the Harridan unleashed.