3. Harridan Unleashed

Cy and Trixie made their way through the streets, holding each other up. They were still a little weak-kneed and drunk from their orgasms. As they approached the hotel entrance, Cy paused.

“I’ll meet you upstairs. Let me pick up a few things first. Remind me, which floor is the Fairview on?”

“The eighth.”

“I’ll be right there.”

Cy kissed her wantonly before leaving. She loved his affectionate enthusiasm. There was definitely excitement between them. For now, however, Trixie kept her emotions walled up. She had gone through too many promising beginnings and Cy hadn’t been tested yet. Their evening was off to a roaring start, but there was no telling how he would react when she really cut loose.

Trixie suspected he was buying the basic sundries for a spontaneous evening. Another point in his favor. Not only was Cy considerate, but he didn’t presumptuously carry condoms with him at all times. She caught a disheveled reflection of herself in the hotel glass doors, but didn’t quicken her stride. Trixie winked at the female concierge just to see her expression. The woman stiffly took notice but went right back to work.

Arriving at her room, she had just enough time to freshen up and slip into something more comfortable before his knock. Trixie checked the spy hole first. She wasn’t about to give the bell hop anymore tips. Seeing that the coast was clear, Trixie opened the door bedecked in a see-through camisole that she fully expected would end up on the floor soon. She struck her best pin-up pose as Cy started to speak.

“I picked up some mead for––"

He stalled in mid-sentence and did a humorous double-take. That’s twice she caught him off guard. It took him a flatt

ering five seconds to form words again.

“Forgive me for saying this, but the less clothes you wear the better you look.”

“Only if you forgive me for making the same assumption about you,” she threw back.

His white shirt stretched across a broad chest that was accentuated even more by a thin waist. Not missing a beat, he stepped into the room and effortlessly hoisted Trixie up with one arm, cupping her backside. She loved how easily Cy weilded his strength without being a thick-necked body builder. His muscle was practical rather than bulky.

Trixie bit her lower lip and gripped him with both thighs, using rigorous months of training to hold on tight. Cy swept a foot behind him and slammed the door shut. He placed the bottle of mead on the nearest of two nightstands and lowered them onto the closest bed.

“Two beds?” he asked.

“Long story, but I’m here alone. We can push them together if you like. Or, you know, migrate them together,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

Cy smiled and leaned in to kiss Trixie as she undid his belt. He stopped for a moment to notice that she was already undressing him.

“I can barely keep up with you!”

Trixie knew she was coming on strong, but it didn’t seem to bother Cy. His arousal was already peaking over the waist of his jeans with a lustful cyclopean eye. Trixie couldn’t get to him fast enough and this was only the beginning of her appetite. Her desire for him had only grown more demanding since the bleachers.

Cy kicked off his shoes and pushed down his jeans and boxers while she removed his shirt. The Celtic knot tattoo she had noticed earlier was mirrored on his other arm. She was barely able to appreciate the symmetry before his arms hooked under her knees, tipping Trixie backwards. He pulled them to the edge and stood between her legs, appendage poised above her stomach. She loved how easily he could position her body. Excellent beginning Cy, don’t stop now.

Trixie had forgone panties this time in favor of the camisole alone. He undid the tie and opened the front, laying her bare for the first time. Cy drank in her shape and then leaned over to kiss a nipple, fondling the other one while he supported his weight atop her body. His erection brushed her inner thigh.

She yearned to be filled with his member. Cy raised himself up on both arms and grinned, lightly touching her belly with the tip of his head. She was past playing. Trixie pulled herself up to Cy and gave him a kiss that turned into a bite, while rubbing her breach along the length of his throbbing rod.

She could feel herself moisten, coating his shank. Cy was starting to seek access as well, but stopped short of penetration. He pulled away, knelt down between her legs, and probed her slit orally while donning a rubber jacket.

She wanted to yell “Why aren’t you fucking me yet?!” but changed her tact.

“Fill me Cy. Plough me with your cock.”

Okay, not much better, but it got the point across. He shot her a brief glance in her direction, possibly unaccustomed to such brazen words, but was not discouraged. Patience Trixie, she told herself. He’s doing both at once, which is better than most men can manage.

Cy stood up, pushed down on each of her bent knees, and spread Trixie wide. She held the position as he drew his shaft across her mound and then plunged into the depths of her cunt. Trixie inhaled as he explored the full expanse of her cave. Cy made quick jabbing thrusts, recoiling slowly to tease himself. She could tell he liked to watch himself disappear inside her cleft. Trixie understood. She liked to watch herself being taken.

A brawny arm slid behind her back and lifted Trixie off the bed until they were face to face, but with him standing. She grabbed his shoulders but Cy was so unyieldingly horned that Trixie thought he could probably support her weight with erection alone. That’s when he began driving again, gripping her ass in both hands.

“Show off,” she said as her face flushed.