Trixie spun around and kissed him again, which still carried a hint of her own juices, and then slipped a hand between his legs, cupping him. He inhaled sharply, not expecting the gesture, but didn’t pull away either. The sky was much darker now, but Trixie didn’t need to see what she was doing. She could feel Cy’s shaft pushing up against his jeans.

“You might be a gentleman, but I won't pretend to be a lady.”

“You don’t have to do that just because I--"

“Helped yourself to my peach mead?" she said teasing him. “It seems only fair that what comes aroung goes around.”

Cy tried to kiss her again, but she pushed him away with a hand on his chest, urging him to lie back. He did as instructed. Now it was her turn.

Trixie stroked the bulge in his jeans. She tucked her fingers into the waistband and undid the zipper. Cy’s appendage escaped his boxers and reached upwards into the cool night air. She pulled his briefs and pants down together and straddled him. Her mound slid along one of his upper legs, causing him to swell even more. Trixie grabbed his organ and passed her thumb over the already wet tip.

“You seem to have started without me.”

“I couldn’t help it. Your taste got me––”

Trixie wrapped her mouth around his cock. She loved cutting him off like that. Her lips widened and narrowed over the ridge of his head, grabbing the base firmly to keep the blood there. She swirled her tongue around his length and Cy groaned with approval.

Trixie turned her head sideways and ran her mouth along his span. She whipped her scarlet hair aside so he could watch her in the fading twilight. She knew the speed men preferred and had every intention of building up to that tempo, but not yet. Cy found his words again.

“If you’re not a lady, then I don’t care to meet one.”

She cupped his sack and felt only smooth skin. Trixie always tried to reward excellent hygiene. She kissed each one, lingering to caress them with her mouth. Cy's hips moved beneath her legs. He was ready. She took him in her mouth again. Trixie gripped his member and darted up and down, adding a little twist with her hand each time. She reached between his legs at the same time and stroked the muscle behind his balls. Cy gripped the bench on either side of him.

Trixie strengthened her grasp and focused entirely on sucking his head, pumping the stem with her other hand. Cy exhaled a primal grunt. That’s when Trixie accepted him down her throat. Up and down she bobbed. The hand that had been stroking him swirled around his length with each descent of her lips. Her other hand reached down and fondled his sack, playfully passing each one between her fingers. She could feel him swell along his span.

Cy blew out of himself in powerful spurts, jetting waves of thick cream down her throat. Trixie took it all, which she decided had a citrus taste. Clearly there was no end to how considerate Cy could be. When he finally stopped coming, Trixie withdrew unhurriedly, licking him clean with a devious tongue.

“If I had to guess, you eat a lot fruit,” she said with a wry smile.

Cy shook his head in disbelief. “You’re all kinds of surprising. No woman has ever done that for me before. I don’t think you spilled a drop.”

“I didn’t,” she said proudly, “You’re spoiled for good now.”

Cy laughed. “Nothing escapes you, does it?”

“Nope. It’s my superpower. I try not abuse it, unless I’m hungry. Then Trixie has to be fed.”

“And does Trixie always get what she wants?” Cy asked.

She liked that he didn’t beat around the bush.

“I don’t deny myself what I want if that’s what you mean, like tonight… when I saw you for the first time.”

“Are you in the village long?” Cy asked hopefully.

“Two nights. How about you?”

Cy considered his answer. “I'm here the same days as you, on business.”

Trixie didn’t mind pillow-talk, or bleacher-talk as the case may be, but her cravings weren’t even close to satisfied yet. “Do you have any business right now, Cy short for Cyril, or are you free for the evening?”

She lightly brushed his length with her fingernails, refusing to let him deflate. Cy was already rallying at her touch.

“I have to wake up early, but I’m not doing anything tomorrow that can’t be done on little or no sleep.”

Trixie liked how he thought. “Well I have the Fairview Suite all to myself, unless you can offer something better?”

“The Fairview? No, I definitely can’t top that.”